Talking About Religion..

..the uncommonly talked about differences among ourselves and what we truly believe in.

Our inability to discuss the topic, without literally crucifying each other, is enormously concerning…

Cross, Christ, Faith, God, Jesus, Clouds, Sun, Light
Revelation 22:14
“Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.”

I thought very long and hard about whether or not I was going to post anything about this. But I just can’t help this overwhelming sense of motivation to do it.

 The topic of religion is so delicate, fragile and emotional for anybody.

While it can be difficult to discuss our religious/nonreligious differences, without one or the other getting offended, the need to overcome this fearful & aggressively negative way of thinking has become more urgent now than ever before. The sudden, opposition of considering anything other than what we’ve believed our entire lives, requires an urgent need for change, if we ever want see any change in this world.

I want to quickly for-warn any reader of the following: this is a slightly, lengthy piece of my journal that I was compelled to share. This is my personal opinion of the topic, and I am opening up to my own truth & the reasoning behind my beliefs on a subject that, more or less is avoided at all costs. If in any way this offends anybody, I apologize in advance. There are no foul intentions to do that, whatsoever. I don’t believe in preaching belief to anybody, unless it is asked. So thank you for reading!


This entire thought, was inspired by a FB post that I came across. I had to look back and reread it! Here’s the screenshot and the comment this entire thread was inspired by, just before the post was reported;

I like this, very interesting POV and something different to consider!

I don’t consider myself a person who believes in any idea of religion, although my sister and I grew up in a religious home. Baptist Christian was the family choice, although my father grew up Catholic; Church on Sunday’s, Daily Bible Study, Church Gatherings, Summer Camp, the whole 9 yards.

Revelation 3:19 – “Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.”

Honestly, the church scene & being ‘religious’ (or acting like it), most of it didn’t resonate with me, even as a child. The ‘belief’ that you had to live up to a standard, a certain lifestyle ‘acceptable’ by an unconditionally loving and forgiving God, who can condemn you to hell if you don’t ask for forgiveness, confess and repent for your sins, it never felt right within me. An ideology that instills the belief that mistakes are to be viewed as this absolutely horrible action that should never be done, and if we do, should be punished for. Repenting and suffering until it has been forgiven….

Allllllllll the way to hell with that belief! Pun intended 😅

But I do personally, believe in what would be considered a ‘higher power’, where we & all other living beings come from, no matter the name: ‘God, Gaia, Buddha, Allah, Shiva, etc’. I am fully convinced that religion is just another tactic created to keep us all divided, constantly at war with each other and utterly confused at the end of the day.

I am extremely sensitive to the discussion of religion for obvious reasons. Mainly because religion in its entirety, is what most people find as their own “peace of mind”. Peace in knowing, or believing rather, &/or having a faith that there is something positive to look forward to and to be hopeful for after we die. As long as we believe we’ve lived a good life by being a good human being; the idea that there is something that satisfies our emotional turmoil, to appear not as scary, as the idea of death itself. To hope there is no suffering during death or after it; the fear of the unknown..& religion being used as a comfort blanket, since we don’t know anything else that feels better – I feel this is the most appropriate way to describe it.

Here are some questions I found asking myself during this soul searching:

Where do we go when we die? What happens? Is that the end, end? Is there an afterlife? Is there more than one? Do we go to heaven or hell? Do we have other options? Are we eternal and never ending existing sources of energy? Do we believe we are energy? Are we ready to transition to the next unknown phase? Are we capable of doing that? How do we do it? If we died right now, would we be proud of the life we’ve lived & the deeds we’ve done? Is that enough? Enough for what or whom? For heaven or God’s unconditionally forgiveness? Will we spend eternity in hell if we don’t ask for forgiveness? Do we even have to ask? What if God can forgive us but we can’t forgive our own selves? God is all forgiving and we are to follow that guidance, right? Does the fact that God forgiving us allows our entrance through golden gates? Or are we holding our selves back because we feel bad about something we did? Does that ultimately make me the judge? How do I know, that God knows I’m being real, or deceiving the gift of this incredible power of manifestation; like the devil serpent deceived Eve?

Hell, Purgatory, Heaven, Stairs, Path, Lucifer, Lava

It is said that God knows everything, but who knows if that’s true if they are not God themselves? Is it just collectively, a truth accepted by the entire world regardless of religion? But if we are our own judges, does that in fact make us God ourselves? Is that possible? Is it impossible? Is it just too far stretched to consider, that my imperfect self could be as powerful as the almighty God who knows all. Should I feel stupid for even thinking that? Why wouldn’t I be as great or powerful as God if I came from him? Am I “allowed to say or think” that? Or will I be crucified for that, like Jesus was when he walked the earth for his efforts to teach others his wisdom? Why is it that everything we think will happen , happens? Is that us manifesting our own thoughts, or is that a higher power, God, sending us a message of guidance?

Do we pray out loud or in our minds? What is it, we are really praying for? Praying truly works like amazing magic, but others would say that referring to prayer as 'magic', witchcraft. Is it though?

Will we spend eternity in hell for the bad deeds we have done, regardless if we forgive ourselves or if God forgives us? How does that even work? Does God himself do the forgiving? Does he give us a choice? Is it a mutual decision? Or does he allow us to go wherever we feel we deserve to go and become our own judge? What if we didn’t just become able to do that, but has always been that way? What is forgiveness anyway? When you forgive people and they do it again, is that the same concept when it comes to God and/or what any religion teaches? So if I steal 100 times and ask forgiveness every time, is that truly forgiving? Or is it just fake to seem acceptably forgiving of others? Have I personally done something that “God” would consider unforgivable? What about the ones who do no wrong at all and die suddenly? (Babies) Or people who live long lives, but have spent their entire life doing wrong to others? Does that negate their karma? If a “bad deeds done” person dies without paying for their karma, do they go to hell? Or do they get another chance and start over? WWJD? Do we not in fact “pay for our sins” because we feel the need to be forgiven? Or do we pay for our sins by burning eternity in hell first? What is hell? Burning endlessly in a pit forever with our immortal soul? What is eternity? Do we “spend enough time in hell” that we can leave when our bad deeds have been paid for or forgiven, by whoever we think judges what has been done? How long do we suffer? How can an unconditionally loving God allow suffering? Are we suffering willingly? Or did God do this because of something I did and never confessed to anyone nor God himself, even though he knows all? Is that what suffering is? Is suffering in a hell, our karma for what we did? Or is it just somewhere I decided to go when I died because I believed and felt Deserving of it?

What about this reality of life we are living now, is it literally hell on earth? What about the animals? Do they believe in God or religion? Do they just die and that’s that? Aren’t they living beings too? Do they knowingly do wrong? Do they know better? Do they ask for forgiveness before they unknowingly die? Are they less than or less deserving than us because they can’t speak like us humans, even though they are Living creatures who also bleed red? Or do we just believe that also?

All these questions I have asked myself when determining my own belief.

I personally, & honestly believe in the ‘religion’ called love: live and let live, in the name of unconditional love. There is no right or wrong. Other than what you believe is right or wrong. No one can know what good is, without the bad. What’s good for me, may not be good for someone else, and vice versa. Like the saying goes: how do we know the stove is really hot if we don’t touch it? How hot is it? Will it burn? Will it hurt? The knob says it’s turned on, but what if it’s broke? Is the stove actually hot? Would I actually touch the stove to find out? Or live never finding out if it works or how to use it for my unknowing benefit. Orrrrr, have I already done that before and now know the “right” way to check if it’s working or not? What if there is nobody to teach us, how do we find out? EXPERIENCE. Our mistakes don’t define who we are as people, even if we keep making the same one. We simply try again to be right, or decide to accept being wrong and burning ourselves every time.

Idk, I don’t like to argue with anybody’s belief in what they think happens after they die because first of all, it’s none of mine or anybody’s business unless they want it to be. As stated previously, I don’t believe in preaching to people. I believe in asking and bringing answers by those who have a little more wisdom than I do. Wisdom is not an age, but many lived experiences of the soul in that body. Secondly, everybody’s entitled to their own personal comfort zone, either their safe place to reassure them that things will be okay when they all seem to go wrong, or their escape/closet to turn to when all else seems to fail in life. “I’ve lost everything I’ve loved and worked for, and have done what I thought was the right thing, doing nobody wrong, lived my life the “right” way and still all this happened to me, what did I do wrong? What did I do to deserve this? Where do I turn to now? God? Religion? What if there is no God? If this God was so great, why would he allow this evil to happen? To me? Or allow it In the world at all?”

These are all questions we have all asked ourselves, when we reach some point in life of ‘where do I turn to now’ ..or “what do I truly believe in?”

So unless people ask directly, & truly, nonjudgmentally want to know what I believe, I’m always open to talk about it. Otherwise, I prefer to leave everyones idea of their own personal fate, alone. Let people believe whatever makes them feel at peace within themselves. If at any moment in life, the belief becomes doubtful, those people will ask when they are ready to hear something different. More often than not, nobody wants to be told what they believe is different, fake or wrong, manipulated, exaggerated, or whatever any nonbeliever of said fate will call it…but it becomes a heated debate that can taint even a lifelong relationship, just for simply having a different belief or POV, unable to discuss open-mindedly about it.

I get it, I’m fully understanding, of any and all religious beliefs; including atheism, the complete disbelief altogether. I have discovered that most atheists that I know personally, typically either experience so much negative events in their life, they refuse to believe in a higher power of eternal love, who would allow bad things to happen. The others seem to have studied some reasoning behind the science literacy of what they commonly call “an imaginary savior”.

Whether people are actively practicing their religious culture in their own life or not (aka: the ‘closet’ Christians [any religion, – first thing came to mind, don’t shoot me!] I refer to them as, the type of people who claim Christianity beliefs but in no way shape or form act or much less “look” like a socially accepted “Christian person” whether it be because of appearance, tattoos and excessive piercings, unnatural hair color, clothing style, women who wear stilettos to church, sexual orientation, people who cuss like a sailor everywhere but church, promiscuous behavior and secret fantasies considered unholy, the celebration of satanic holidays such as Halloween, lack of church going, their lifestyle, personal tastes in things considered abnormal for that religious group, whatever it may be! It’s all judge-mental thinking that lowers our own self esteem. We know in our souls what is right and what is wrong, TO US, individually.

I learned through my own spiritual journey that God as we all know him, allows evil in the world because God is just a glorified name for “one-ness”. Aka: Source. Where every living being comes from. The source of the stem, the seed of life, the ‘Big Bang’, the beginning of time, which is ironically infinite, beginning or end (there is no beginning or end of eternity/infinity ..We all come from him, the ONE, everything comes from him, he is source, which means ALL living things, good AND bad.

There’s a universal law called law of free will. NOTHING can happen to anybody without the consent of both parties, Whether you realize it in this life or not. So, you may not realize that you consented to this life before you were born, so it is upsetting and hard to understand when certain things happen. When we are born, we are born to forget why we came, so we can experience this predestined (God-chosen life for you) life to learn a lesson. Life is a school, constantly learning new things and experiencing new adventures, all of us both teachers and students at the same time. & the best news is that everything changes but the universal laws and it never ends!

But back to the free will law, There could not have been enslavement of anybody willingly, unless we all decided we wanted to be slaves and work just to die. The only obvious, feasible way to achieve that is through deception; referencing the story in the Bible of the serpent deceiving Eve to eat the forbidden fruit of Eden.

So with all that said, If someone decides to go shoot everybody in the parking lot dead, God will allow it, even if it kills an innocent baby. As sad as it may seem to anybody who witnessed that, nobody knows or understands the destiny of that baby or the karma for that matter, of the soul inside the the misunderstanding is confusing and often interpreted as a Terrible tragedy that should not go unpunished. Instilling negative emotions of agony, fear and suffering, as usual, and unable to cope with those natural feelings. Who really knows? Maybe God knew that the soul of that infant baby was a murderer in a past life, maybe the guy who shot the baby was actually the one shot by the soul of the baby’s body? We don’t know what life has planned for other people, so why are we worried about it?! Because of our instinctive unconditional love for humanity, that’s why.

Karma NEVER goes un-served . You ALWAYS get it back. That’s why eternity never ends. It’s eternal, starts, ends, no start, no end, starts over again, forever, infinitely.

An eye for an eye sound familiar? You plant apple seeds, you get apples; plant shards, get shards. If you steal From someone, you get stolen from. If you kill people, you will be killed. Will you suffer? That depends..Have you caused suffering? Was it for what was felt, a good, justifiable reason, therefore easy to forgive yourself? Because that’s the price to pay. Eye for an eye. If you rob someone you always get robbed. Sometimes it happens the same day!!! That’s how quickly and unexpected karma can be! It comes when it’s the right moment.

What about people addicted to drugs? Let’s think about this for a second and elaborate a couple of different, common scenarios: The girl who was raped as an innocent child, all her life, by all kinds of different people including family, grows up having been and feeling victimized of rape (and rightfully so) her entire life, and ends up addicted to drugs. Let’s call her DOC some kind of sedative to make her not remember her childhood: NOT prescribed to her (illegal), but prescription Xanax, the bars; because even those who ‘need’ them can’t take a whole one unless they’ve got the Tolerance for it. Can drugs that make you black out and forget, be strong enough to even mask that kind of trauma? Could you imagine, how you personally, would reflect on how your life would turn out having gone through something like that yourself? Could you find a reason to live? Because most people I’m sure would probably rather die than to live with that..or having suicidal thoughts often, without the courage to do so, battling that mental war on a regular basis.. (habit of negative, self-destructive thinking, created at a young age, mixed with trauma.)

What about the boy who had a great and otherwise normal childhood; had both parents, balance of discipline in the home, a nice comfortable home, involved in extracurricular activities, lacked nothing in life, vacation and family outings, everything asked for was received, “life on a silver platter” if you will; yet he turns out to end up being addicted to drugs for no justifiable reason other than, following the wrong crowd. Being involved with “friends” who made a choice not so great. Or one friend who made a mistake and didn’t want to do it alone. This boys parents probably didn’t have that talk..but what if they did? What if they were the kind of parents who trusted their son so much, they didn’t care if he smoked pot, as long as it was in the house, out of trouble and off the streets? What if he became addicted to prescription pills? He liked the feeling of that painkiller his friend gave him when he was afraid to try it alone. Or maybe just wanted someone to be witness to his rebellious behavior. Sees his mom popping them, knows she keeps them in her purse, sneaks in there one night to grab one, maybe two, she won’t even notice. Take it to school and show off to his buddies, thinking he’s “cool”. Would it stop there? Maybe, hopefully…It usually doesn’t unfortunately..bigger quantities for familiar, stronger affects, stronger stuff, heroin, meth, snorting it, then shooting it. And then the cycle: Lose everything, including their own mind, if not losing their very life, then losing everything worth living for. True family, real friends, health and sanity. Wanting to stop eventually, but in so deep, they’d rather avoid going through agonizing, prolonged, physical deprivation and pain of going without their “bad habit”, aka: addiction.

Does the rape victim get justified for being the same kind of addict? Is she more of a justified addict than the boy just because of what she went through? Can we even call her that? A “victim” because she was an innocent defenseless child, stolen from & taken advantage of. Addicted to drugs because she was a ‘child rape victim’ who chose to mask it with drugs so she couldn’t remember…so does that mean the boy had no “good enough” reason than saying yes when he should have said no? Who am I to say that he had no good reason? Why would I even think that? What would be a good reason or not? Did he have to have a reason to make the mistake? Or do mistakes happen to every human being on the planet? Could he have realized he made that mistake the first time and never touch anything again? Or could he have decided to be ‘cool’ and continue participating without realizing how addictive and destructive it could turn out to be until it’s too late; because remember, he didn’t have that kind of influence in his life. But, what about a kid who did have that influence? A boy raised in a home of a heroin addicted dad. Does he end up being just like dad because that’s all he knows? Or does he decide he never wants to be like his dad and not allow the past of his father and childhood define him, & do better for his own life? What if he didn’t make the better choice, and ended up on heroin like dad, does that make him a worse addict because he’s on heroin, even though that’s all he knows? Or is the kid who had everything addicted to pills thinking it was cool, worse? What makes one worse than the other? Why is some considered bad drugs because they’re illegal, when there are legal drugs that do the same or much worse? Does it even matter?! Will it matter when they are dead?! Are they both bad, drug addicted people or just people addicted to bad drugs?

What about the soul in the rape victims body? Was that soul’s karma to be raped because that soul participated in raping others in a past life before it was born into the body of this child rape victim? Is that her hell to pay? What if you don’t believe In past lives? Do you just feel sorry and pity the rape victim? Did you know of her childhood rape story before she became addicted to drugs? Or was it just judgement passed because she was just another “drug addict” statistic you read about. Do you help them at all? Or do you think they are just another ‘low life‘ who used their past as an excuse to be addicted to drugs?

Or here’s a better one, what about the military veteran who witnessed some of the most unimaginable, highly intense, inhumane, unmentionable events that are not even allowed to be spoken of, if they’re even capable of talking about them? PTSD? What if they are prescribed some benzo-meds to “zombify” those terrible memories that they are now, incapable of being able to do on their own. What was ordered of them was so bad, being forced to do it anyway because it was part of their job. Then they get addicted to those prescribed pills and can’t get off them. Or worse, they take those pills while they drink alcohol, ya know since it’s legal, which the combo of those drugs are lethal and intensifies their negative feelings, now becoming a double whammy depressant combo…are those guys who fought for our rights and our freedoms considered drug addicts because that’s how they cope with their closet skeletons? Or do they get a free pass because of the “prescribed” medicine and combined LEGAL alcohol? Is that deadly concoction of legal cocktails normal, or is it just normalized? What if this vet goes to the store around the corner to buy a pack of smokes, hits a car while belligerent and incoherent, ends up smashing a minivan full of a family on their way home late from vacation..fatalities occur. Does he go to jail For making a mistake, being belligerent behind the wheel, even though he was unaware of anything around him due to his prescribed meds, or do they take him to rehab? Would it make a difference if nobody died? Because death of any person equals jail, regardless. Do they treat everybody like that or just veterans? Is it worse for them? Would it have been better if he was a fellow police officer off duty? How would the police know the vet were a veteran if he wasn’t in uniform or didn’t possess a formal id to prove it? Would it make a difference in the slightest? Because they treat our military folk like shit, and use them as guinea pigs for medical research and warfare, at our expense and casualties, while they profit. Plus for them, a bunch of us little taxpaying slaves die without them having to do a thing, while they sit back and collect all the money from gun reminds me of the old Roman days where the king would watch two people in a stadium kill each other just for entertainment..disgusting!

All we know how to do is judge ourselves and judge others, worry about other people and what they do with their lives, worry about ourselves, worry about what we don’t have, or could have or should have by now, worry about other people’s lifestyles, other relationships, the way they live, jealous and envious of anything we don’t have or get to experience. Judging the way other people ‘don’t’ live, making us feel better about our own lives, that we take for granted. A never ending snowball of never satisfying greediness, always wanting the next ‘best’ thing, unhappy with any and everything we have currently , wanting that girls hair or body, wanting fake body parts, fake hair, fake nails, more revealing clothes, less revealing clothes, whiter teeth, expensive purses, that woman’s husband, wanting that guys hair or teeth, wanting to look ‘bigger and beefier’, wanting to feel manly by trying to grow facial hair to have a beard like the next guy, wanting muscles, wanting to be more fit than that guy, wanting a good girl, yet wants every girl, wants to be accepted by the homeboys, be sportier more competitive, competing with everybody! Wanting to lose weight or gain weight, just from looking at someone else they wanted to ‘be more like’, but in an envious & unhealthy way, wanting to be healthy just to “look good” for other people, not just to be healthy in general. Having a wonderful husband/wife/gf/bf at home yet wanting someone who seems better, nicer, thinking they will be treated better but can’t seem to move on or move out , or just something different for the time being..not being satisfied with the current home because we want the neighbors bigger, nicer house with the inground pool, or not having the newest car and feeling bad about it, instead of being grateful about not having to walk everywhere, much less owing a freakin house payment on a car! A HUGE snowball of unnecessary habits of thoughts that we have all learned to create and develop since we were born. Learning from our parents, who learned from theirs..when did it start? Has it always been this way? For how long? When will it end? When will it end for me? How do I end it?

No matter how we are, how we look, how we dress, or dont dress, talk, act, wear, our views, how we think, how we treat people; dammed if we do or damned if we don’t.

Who cares who believes what?! Who cares if they worship God every Sunday, or only pray when life gets unbearable? Why does everything have to be a fight?! Especially about belief?! You believe this, I believe that and we go with other people who believe what we believe; no drama necessary.

But how do you find out what other people believe? BY TALKING ABOUT IT. Can we even talk about religion with one another without it becoming an atrocious argument? Does religion, culture and humanity itself go out the window when we fight? Absolutely, but why? Why spend the energy it takes to fight, just to attract more energy of things to fight about? War is unnecessary, with or without weapons. We kill each other off, physically emotionally mentally and spiritually, for no good reason other than what we believe, or what we’re told. Meanwhile the real bad guys who profit from ordering them to die, also getting paid when they die, and profit off of the entire event.

There are so many human beings that already agree to live peacefully, why does that seem so hard and unattainable? (Because that’s what we believe!) Because of “sheeple ” ?! Who even made that word up?! Lol, I think it should be considered derogatory, because guess what ? We were ALL ‘sheeple’ at one point, before we knew what we know now. Who is considered that term anyway ? People who refuse to believe our own government is against the us? Or people who are ‘woke’ but not ‘as woke’ as you or I?

What would you do if aliens appeared in your eye sight? Would you have a heart attack and die right there? Would you feel threatened and try to kill it? Would you try to communicate? What if you don’t believe in aliens? Would you close your eyes and try convincing yourself you’re not really seeing this, tell yourself it’s a nightmare and hope you wake up from it and it goes away before you open your eyes again? Would you pray that God took you right then and there in that moment? Would you be ready to leave and go anywhere but there because you were scared? What if you did leave, and went to a different place that you have actually been scared of going to your entire life? Are you 100% positive of any of these things, or if they would even happen? Or is it just a story you’ve been told your entire life? Do you believe anything is possible? Do you think anything is impossible? How can you be sure? How can you be so unsure? Does it feel right to you? Or is it just what you have been told and learned your entire life? Is that YOUR truth? Or is it a truth you’ve accepted and are okay with not knowing anything else? Is it something you can’t be honest about because it would bring a disgrace to your family? Is that wrong or right? Who gets to decide that for anybody other than themself?

Long story short..we don’t know, what we don’t know. And we can’t know anything, until we’ve known something. Something different than what we have ever heard, read or experienced. We need to remember we ALL come from the same source, whether you call him God, Buddha, something else, or don’t even believe it at people still come from somewhere too! 😅

We gotta put the guns down, and just have FAITH in Humanity or God if humanity appears lost for some …we all know it’s obviously wrong to lie cheat and steal, we can all agree on that. Why? Because none of us like to be lied to, cheated on, or stolen from. Why is cash paper money our currency and why do we feel incapable of being able to live without it? Because we don’t know how to, and the unknown is scary, and we all agree to give the value to the money. Because nobody knows how to grow food, or heal their owns illnesses without a doctor, or much less even know how to cook a meal from scratch..

Speaking of thieves, my god if they did in America what they did in India back in the day as punishment for theft, would we even have theft? They cut your hands off if you get caught stealing! That ensures you don’t do it again I suppose 😶 is that inhumane or should we go back to that? Some people think one, some think the other. Some people might disagree with both! Does that make either one right or wrong? I think it’s wrong to steal and to cut people’s hands off! But if we don’t punish the thief, do they keep stealing? Maybe yes, maybe no. Who are we to judge or assume the worst? Maybe they’ve never had anything and feel justified. Maybe they are actually stealing from people who have stolen a lot from a lot of people! Does that justify it as a right thing for him to do? Probably not, may be the karma for the ones being stolen from, yet only creating karma for his own self later on. He’s surviving because he attained everything he needed by stealing it. But why did he steal in the first place? Did he ask for help? Did anybody offer help to him for anything? Or was he offered and just decided he would rather steal instead cause it’s more ‘fun’, gives him an adrenaline rush. Only God (within him) can judge.

We come from God (Source) which means we are part of him, which makes us just as great and powerful as he is. We can reproduce, raise children and help our community. We can grow food and cure starvation. We can cure the hate in the world by loving everyone and everything regardless of the very necessary bad things that happen. Learn not to be so reactive, but more proactive, changing for the better, do good things during our short lived time here. That’s what makes a life worth dying for. We all die one day, in vein and full of regrets from what we did or didn’t experience? Or full of memories of happy moments experiences one after another? I hope for the latter.

Basically what I am trying to say here is that I believe there is no right or wrong! Yet there is right and wrong, just depends how YOU want to see it.

So if you’re a Christian and I’m a Catholic, does that make either one of us right or wrong? Who decided what’s right and wrong? Is every Catholic priest a child molester? (Please forgive me if you are catholic and offended, not at all trying to come off that way, but there is well known established history of this so, I referenced it) Probably not every one of them , but what about Christian pastors who rape their wives and beat them and their kids too? Do they all do that? Of course not! Some might just cheat, some might like men secretly, some love the kids but don’t want to be home with the wife, so they stay at church all the time. She’s probably unpleasant to be around because she hates that she settled for this life that she truly hates, but thought it was right at the time, is too invested and stays for the kids..Is it worse when horrendous acts like those mentioned happen in a home of those who practice religion? Or is it wrong period, no matter the home? Does it make it worse that it was a pastor?

Is it fair to feel hateful or judge mental towards those who, you believe, don’t live a way of life that you consider is right. How about everyone else who does not agree with you or practice what you practice, are they unholy of love and acceptance by the same God you pray to, just because you think it’s wrong and don’t agree? Do you hope they change? Change For what? Change to a better human or change to be more like the human you think they should be? Which is more like you? Are You mad because deep down you really want to let loose and drink a glass of wine and smoke a doobie and eat bacon without feeling like repenting, but you “can’t” because of you’re own beliefs? Or Is it because they can live how they want and it’s upsetting because you feel like you can’t or you won’t “go to heaven” or add to your internal list of things to be forgiven of?

Some of these questions I have personally asked my own self growing up in a Christian home.

Everything in our life is a direct reflection of our own self: our spouses, our children especially, our life, our own faults that we see in others, even our pets! 😂 it’s said that in order to change the world it starts with ourself and that is the truest statement I’ve ever read.

If I see the world a certain way, and I want to see it differently, I have to change the way I perceive it, think about it, & feel about it. Spending a life time doing the exact opposite can take quite a bit of practice to effectively change! But practice makes perfect. The rest will naturally follow suite.

Ever meet someone so humble about life, that they could step in a big huge pile of dog shit and not even be mad about it? Someone so humble, who has had countless rough experiences in life and been through the unimaginable, all while continuing to be a good human being, regardless of how others act? Yeah, they are very rare to find anymore..they’re dying at 60 or less of Alzheimer’s and dementia from the 20+ meds they’re forced to take daily, being told that it’s good for them and it will help them live longer.. 😓 what helps us to live longer is by being happy. (While eating the right food and not poisoning our bodies, of course) Learning how to just be a kid again! Enjoying life, not struggling daily just to eat..not fighting with each other, but helping each other..if there are 10 people on a boat, stranded trying to survive, and a helpless/parent-less child survivor fell off, wouldn’t someone, if not everyone try to save him? Would anyone think about the color of the child’s skin? What religion they believed in, if any at all? If he could read or not, if he had money or would anybody even think twice about what was in it for them before instinctively trying to help? Absolutely not..we are all brothers and sisters, from different mothers and fathers, yet come from the same parents ancestryously (if that’s a word) because we ALL came from the same God!

Oddly and ironically enough, There is a lot of science in religion, yet they like to keep it separated. It’s considered completely unrelated because of whatever we believe has been told to us.. no learning or teaching religion allowed in school, neither the theory of evolution. Nobody is allowed to talk about evolution, but there’s a church of any religion on every corner..everywhere in the world..

LOVE is a religion, in my opinion. Religion for any and everybody! If we all would practice living more and judging less, loving more, specifically loving ourselves, we could already be in heaven. We CANNOT know how to Love others without truly 100% loving ourselves first. Owning and Accepting ourselves for who we truly are, no matter what, not feeling bad about it and coming to peace with our true self. Not living fearful of what people think about the person we are, spouse, classmates, social media, coworkers, bosses, phony social imagery, you get the idea..Learning to do that with others starts with the people in our own homes, who should or maybe shouldn’t be there for whatever reason.

World peace, all of us in one world, no drama, no fight, no war, no struggle, no famine, no lying, no need for cheating , manipulating, deceiving or stealing, everything would be harmonious perfection. And would be mutually agreed by everyone who wanted to live that kind of heaven on earth.

But some people dont believe we can live in a world like that, which is EXACTLY why we don’t. You manifest what you believe. So if you believe in hell, you will go to the hell you are afraid of, if you feel you will go there when it is your souls time, if you’re not in hell already.

We can easily right our wrongs by outweighing the bad deeds we have done, by forgiving ourselves of doing those things, and doing good deeds from now on. We can’t change the past. What’s done is done. All we can do is take it as a lesson and allow it to help us grow, to just do better next time. We don’t have to beat ourselves up and feel so powerless and worthless, pitiful humans for simply being human and making natural human mistakes. We are so much more powerful than we even realize..thoughts are a powerful thing. That’s why our minds and thoughts have been enslaved.. 😉

And to anybody who read all of that, thank you for doing so 😇 I tend to get in these philosophical moods occasionally and can’t stop once I get started lol! There’s something that overcomes me and sometimes, when I write it out or talk to others, it helps me also! I love all you beautiful souls, even if you were offended by anything I said, because I truly didn’t mean to do that at all! 💕 I hope it will help at least one person. I realize touchy subjects like this can be debatable and hard to discuss, it is emotional! But sometimes, things like this need to be talked about, we will grow from this too! 🥰