My Daily Quote Cards

money-and-the-law-of-attraction“I want to be the best that I can be. I want to do and have and live in a way that is in harmony with my idea of the greatest goodness. I want to harmonize physically here in this body with that which I believe to be the best, or the good way, of life.” If you will make those statements, and then do not take action unless you feel good, you will always be moving in harmony with your idea of that which is good.

– Money and The Law of Attraction Flash Card #24

This is a message from one of the Money, and the Law of Attraction Cards flash cards that my mother gave me. They are from the teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks. I love reading these cards every day! It’s an easy, short little message that starts your day with the most uplifting thoughts. My favorite thing about them is the fact that they don’t apply just to money, in my opinion anyway. I feel like I can apply these readings in every aspect of my life. So, while I am learning how to attract money into my experience, I am also learning to attract other things. Another thing that I love about them is that they bring me some sort of unexplainable happiness every time I read one. Some days, I read more than one just because they make me feel so good! Here is a link to Abraham’s direct website where you can buy the cards; and below is the summary printed on the back of the box which explains the purpose for reading the cards. Perhaps it will entice you to buy them for yourself. (;

While money is not absolutely essential to your experience, to most people, money and freedom are synonymous. And since an intense awareness of your right to be free is at the very core of that which you are, it follows, therefore, that relationship with money is one of the most important subjects of your life experience. And so, it is no wonder that you have such strong feelings about the subject of money. It is our expectation that as you ponder these cards every day, a new point of attraction will begin to be activated within you, bringing not only more money into your experience, but evidence of your absolute freedom as well.