Holiday Make-Up – First Cut Crease Using Glitter

This Christmas year, I am 27 weeks pregnant, just coming into my third trimester. So instead of going out, I’m staying in. Besides, it’s way too cold to be out there having to wear layers of clothes! And God knows clothes are uncomfortable enough for me as it is, lol! Anyways, I felt like dressing up; like a Christmas tree that lights up the whole room. So I put on so very cute brand new red clothes that I bought and haven’t worn yet, and did my make-up with glitter and red to be festive for the holidays. My make-up turned out so good, it kind of made me want to go out and show it off! I took pictures instead, and when I uploaded them, EVERYBODY loved it. I actually learned the eyeshadow cut crease technique from this girl on YouTube (she’s referenced below) who I thought did an amazing job. So I tried it, and it came out perfect! The picture is the proof.

Holiday Make-Up 2012 - Smokey Glitter Eye Shadow & Candy Red Lips

Holiday Make-Up 2012 – Smokey Glitter Eye Shadow & Candy Red Lips

I used a white eyeshadow for the base of my eyelid. I use white because it makes the color you put over it brighter. I then used a sparkly silver eyeshadow over the white. I used Maybelline’s eye studio eyeliner with the brush to draw a perfect line along my crease. I actually went a little bit above my crease just to give the illusion that my eyelid is bigger than it actually is. I like to do this because I’m using glitter and I want people to see a lot of it without having to close my eyes. After I draw the line, I go over it again to make it a little darker and thicker, then I fade it outwards. Next, I used Wet n’ Wild’s sparkly black eyeshadow ($1.95 @ Walmart – you don’t have to buy expensive make-up for it to look good) on my brush and dabbed on the outer edge of the faded black line to add a little shape to my defined crease. I help fade it out by blending a sparkly light skin color  eye shadow to give it a less “racoon-ish” look. Next, I add a light colored creamy eyeshadow over the lid to use as an adhesive for the glitter to stick. After this I used a clean brush to pat it in silver eye shadow, dab in the glitter and then on to my eyelid. I cover the entire lid so that it’s nothing but glitter. I then used Maybelline’s liquid eyeliner with a pointed tip to draw an Egyptian cat-like line on my upper lid, and filled it in keeping out/wiping any excess glitter that falls onto the black. Last, I add eyeliner and mascara and there you have it; Holiday makeup! I think this look is great for any celebration: Christmas, New Years, a birthday, a party, etc. To add a little Christmas spirit to to my look, I put on Revlon’s 725 Love That Red lipstick with clear lip gloss. I think this makes me look like one of those porcelain dolls! Believe it or not, this was actually my very first attempt at cutting my crease when applying glitter. As I mentioned above, I learned from this girl on YouTube, which I will add a link to her video below. Eventually when I get around to fixing my camera, I’ll make the tutorials I keep talking about. Hopefully for now, you can learn by reading and looking at my example photos. Stay tuned for more beautiful make-up designs. I take pictures of my make-up every time so there’s a lot to look forward to. (:

Here is the video of the girl I learned how to cut my crease and add glitter from.