Variety of Nail Art by Yours Truly

First, I just want to apologize for such a delay in my postings. I’ve been so busy with my daughter going back and forth out of town visiting with her father that I seem not to have the time to share a quick post! But that’s about to change, because I miss blogging dearly. On that note, here are my latest nail art designs that I have yet to blog about. Unfortunately I will not have a “how to” description/tutorial to share since I’m so far behind. But I will blog a tutorial if requested, just let me know! ❤

Nude Gradient Glitter Toenails

Nude Gradient Glitter Toenails

Gradient Glitter Tips on Nude - Sally Hansen

Gradient Glitter Tips on Nude – Sally Hansen

4th of July Holiday Toes

4th of July Holiday Toes

4th of July Holiday Nail Art

4th of July Holiday Nail Art – Fireworks

Patriotic Nail Art

Patriotic Nail Art

I Painted My Step-Sister's Nails Pink Leopard

I Painted My Step-Sister’s Nails Pink Leopard

Exotic Nail Art

Exotic Nail Art

Variety Toe Nail Art

Variety Toe Nail Art

Barbie Pink Diva Nails

Barbie Pink Diva Nails

DIY Glitter Magnets

Pinterest has got to be the most addicting website on the internet! What could be better than a social network site that is nothing but a bunch countless pictures from different people all over the world with some of the most amazing ideas?! I pin all kinds of pics on a regular basis that give me such inspiration to just do things. I think I pinned more than I could do in a lifetime, lol! Well anyways, I came across this really cute project that takes very little time. It’s very girly, prissy and stylish, definitely for the ladies that love sparkles like me. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • IMG_20130524_174317_927 IMG_20130524_174613_203 IMG_20130524_184753_320 Mod Podge (Walmart Prices may vary [$3-7]
  • Foam Brush ($2 for 3-pack @ Walmart)
  • Stick-On Magnets ($3 and some change @ Walmart)
  • Fine Glitter ($1 per tube [variety of colors] at Sally’s Beauty Supply or buy a pack of 5 tubes for $5 @ Walmart)
  • Bag of Clear Stones ($1 @ Dollar Tree)


Take a foam brush and paint a thin layer of mod podge over the flat back of the stone.

Pour glitter over wet glue to cover entirely.

Flick the other side of the stone upside down to get the excess glitter off before painting another thin layer of mod podge over the glitter.

After it’s completely dried, add a magnet to the back.

You’re done! See how simple that was? It’s so adorable too, giving your magnetic board a little extra dazzle to it. ;D
Also, you can use different things to decorate your magnets besides glitter. Pictures, scrapbook paper, newsprint, and other neat things can also be cut to size and glued to your stone to make your own personalized magnets. I might make some letter magnets for Natalia to use when she’s old enough as one of my homeschooling ideas!


French Tips & Glitter

IMG_20130530_210825_272Let me start off by saying that this is the first time I’ve ever attempted painting white tips and I must say I think I was born for this! I used a plain white polish (2 coats) and painted half of all my nails white. I then used a q-tip in a circular motion to create in arch for the tips by removing the excess polish with polish remover. Afterwards, I painted 2 coats of blue glitter polish underneath the tips and finished with a clear top coat. Aren’t they glamorous?!


Gradient/Ombré Nails Tutorial

IMG_20130517_194711Ever since last week when I learned how to do ombré nails, I became obsessed. The way the colors just blend together look totally awesome. It’s extremely different, exotic even. I love it! This week, I blended a series of warm colors: bright pink orange & yellow. I took pictures showing the steps I took to blend the colors.

First I painted my nails completely white so that the colors would show up real bright. Then I used a sticky note (you can use any piece of paper) to paint the colors on. Next, I used a makeup sponge to dab into the nail polish on the paper onto my white nails. I had to repeat this process several (about 4 or 5) times to fill it in completely and the blend properly. Lastly I painted a clear glittery coat on them to make them sparkle and to fill in the “spongy dots” on my nails, giving them a flat, shiny, glittery look. I also alternated the colors, doing the opposite for every other nail as you can see. It was fairly easy and a little time consuming, but very worth the outcome because they look AMAZING and ready for summer! (:


Hubby’s Birthday Card & Beer Cake!

NOTE: His Birthday was on March 18th, same as Natalia’s due date, ironically! & I’m a little a lot late posting about it. But I had other things to blog about, so I’ve been doing them in their date order and spreading my blog posts to one a day so that I give my audience something to look forward to every day. Please bear with me. xo ♥

This year for my hubby’s birthday I decided I wanted to make something special for him instead of the traditional “buying him a present”, which I also did. As I was scanning through Pinterest – as usual – I came across some great gift ideas from gift baskets all the way to beer cakes. I decided to make a beer cake; & I don’t mean to toot my own horn (even though I love doing that sometimes) but the one I made is BA and it tops allllllll the ones I saw on Pinterest! I also handmade his birthday card and wrote a sweet note straight from my heart. ♥

His Beautiful Handmade Card ♥
Some of the supplies I used to make the beer cake.
Some of the supplies I used to make the beer cake.
The cake stands that I painted metallic & sparkly green.
The cake stands that I painted metallic & sparkly green.


Cutting one of my two spare cake rounds to form numbers of the year he's turning: "26".
Cutting one of my two spare cake rounds to form numbers of the year he’s turning: “26”.
My favorite part! Adding the glitter (:
My favorite part! Adding the glitter (:
The process of setting up the beer while putting some of his favorite little gifts inside.
The process of setting up the beer while putting some of his favorite little gifts inside.

There were little presents inside that he didn’t even know about, and I wasn’t going to tell him until he started drinking so he would find them himself. But since I’m pregnant, he’s going to wait for me! (:
And because he decided to wait, I could NOT wait any longer to tell him about the little gifts hidden inside, so he found them without drinking, lol! He absolutely LOVED his gift and his card I made him. He told me that this was the best birthday present he ever got and it melted my heart away. ♥ ♥ ♥

Adding the gold glittery ribbon.
Adding the gold glittery ribbon.
Then the green ribbon on top.
Then the green ribbon on top.
A close up of the pipe cleaners that will be used to hold the scratch offs.
A close up of the pipe cleaners that will be used to hold the scratch offs.
Adding the pretty happy Birthday bow. (:
Adding the pretty happy Birthday bow. (:
Another layer of beer and more gifts.
Another layer of beer and more gifts.
Putting it on top.
Putting it on top.
One last layer of beer, no gifts for this layer though! It's coming out so nicely!
One last layer of beer, no gifts for this layer though! It’s coming out so nicely! At this point, the beer was getting so heavy I had to move it off my bed, hence the baking pan underneath.
I used a razor blade to cut off the side of an empty ribbon spool to use for the top part. Then a hole puncher for the holes that will be used to hold the numbers. The pipe cleaner is for the scratch off.
I used a razor blade to cut off the side of an empty ribbon spool to use for the top part. Then a hole puncher for the holes that will be used to hold the numbers. The pipe cleaner is for the scratch off.
Almost finished! I had to put the 1,000,000 candy bar on there! It just matched so well and looked so good for my million dollar man! ;D
Almost finished! I had to put the 1,000,000 candy bar on there! It just matched so well and looked so good for my million dollar man! ;D
Close up of the smaller sized ribbon I added to the sides of the cake stands because they just looked so ugly.
Close up of the smaller sized ribbon I added to the sides of the cake stands because they just looked so ugly.
More gold ribbons and bows!
More gold ribbons and bows!
Close up of the top.
Close up of the top.
The finished project! With the scratch offs attached. (:
The finished project! With the scratch offs attached. (:
BTW: he went STRAIGHT for the scratch offs and the candy bar before anything, ofcourse!
BTW: he went STRAIGHT for the scratch offs and the candy bar before anything, ofcourse!
I love it, HE LOVED IT, & Pinterest will love it also ♥
I love it, HE LOVED IT, & Pinterest will love it also ♥

Just for future reference to anybody who would like to make one of these bad boys, I used a 24 pack of yuengling beer cans, bought my ribbon and cake stands at Walmart, and the cute party bows at the Dollar Tree, as well as the candy. (:

15 More Nesting Projects To Do

Hello my beautiful readers! As I’ve mentioned in one of my previous posts, I just recently finished completing a list of 10-12 nesting projects that I was inspired to make from Pinterest, and I’m sure you guys are expecting my next list that I talked about making. Well, I’m done choosing which projects to do next while I wait for little Natalia to be here (which btw I’m 41 weeks and 1 day today and she’s still not here!) So to keep my head on straight, I’m going to occupy myself with these cute projects that I found to keep myself busy. (:

#1. Glitter Wine Glasses


After I have this baby, I’m definitely planning on celebrating my treating myself to a very long missed glass of wine, but I want it to be festive and decorative so I’m going to make a pink glitter wine glass for my 9 month break celebration. These are so easy to make, all I need to do is get some very fine loose pink glitter and a couple of cheap wine glasses from the dollar store.

#2. DIY Nail Polish Rack.

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If you follow my blog, then you are familiar with my addiction for nail polish and nail art. I have quite a large collection of nail polish and nail art supplies, but they’re all stored away in shoe boxes. I was going to decorate the shoe boxes but it just seems like to much trouble, especially since they’re not even visible, they’re sitting on shelves in my closet. I planned to buy a nail polish display rack that mounts on the wall from Amazon, but it’s $30! I came across this AMAZING idea where you make your own nail polish rack using foam boards, glue and whatever you want to decorate it with. I find so many pros to this project that completely knock this item off my Amazon wish list. For one, it’s totally affordable. Considering I have all the decorations I need, I only have to spend $12 making this ($7 for 3 foam boards – 1.99 each plus tax @ Walmart, and $4 plus tax for some permanent craft glue.) Aside from the inexpensiveness of this project, one of my other favorite things about it is that you can make it as big or small as you want, add as many shelves as you want, and decorate it to match whatever you want! Instead of using duct tape like many other people used, I’m going to mod podge glitter on mine and use duct tape for the inside background to hide that screws that I will have to insert to mount it on the wall. I also plan to add a larger top shelf to hold all my nail art supplies; which brings me to the next project shown, the decorative tin cans that will hold all my brushes. When I’m done with this project it’s going to look so cute in my room and help me to keep all my nail polish stuff organized. Not to mention the easy access of it being conveniently hung on my wall so I don’t have to take down boxes from shelves!

#3. Modular Shelf Organization.


This is another item that I have saved to my Amazon wish list. My obsession goes on to make-up which I have TONS of and am looking for new ways to organize it. I’m going to start by moving all my hair care products to modular shelves that I will hang next to my mirror on my dresser, moving them off my dresser so that I have more room to store the new makeup that I keep buying but don’t need.

#4. Glitter Keys


I LOVE glitter (if you can’t tell) and am trying to use all of mine in the most useful ways. I want to make my ugly keys cute and girly and what better way to do that then to add glitter?! So I’m going to mod podge glitter to all my undecorated plain silver keys to make them look as cute as this one. I want to do them all in pink, but different shades to give them a gradient effect.

#5. DIY Sunglasses Holder


I have soooooo many pairs of sunglasses put away in a bag that I have to go through every time I want to wear a different pair. It’s a little aggravating to have to dump the entire bag out just so I can see what the pairs look like. Not only that but they are also at risk of being damaged. So I came across this nifty idea that I want to make that also hangs on the wall. (I’m trying to decorate my plain walls!) All I need is a long skinny picture frame and some pretty ribbon (zebra of course!) to make this, so I plan on buying these items sometime this week when I get paid. (:

#6. Glitter Clothespin Magnets

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More glitter? Yes please! I found these ADORABLE clothespin magnets that you can decorate however you want. I like the way whoever did this decorated theirs. They used glitter and zebra print, which is what I plan to do, but I’m going to make mine turquoise, hot pink & lime green. I already have clothespins, magnets and zebra fabric and duct tape, whichever I decide to use. I just have to buy neon acrylic paint that I can get at Walmart for $1.50 a bottle and some new paintbrushes because I’ve been using the heck out of mine! So I’m due for a new set. (: These will go perfect on the DIY magnetic board that I also plan on making, but I will post about that later on.

#7. Shower Curtain Rod Organization


Since my shower caddy keeps falling off, and it’s hard to clean, and it’s pretty much breaking my shower head off, I found this useful idea to hang another shower curtain rod on the opposite side of the shower and use curtain hooks to hang dollar store baskets and other items. I’m definitely going to make use of this. I already have the shower curtain rod, but I can get the hooks for $1 at Dollar Tree and the cute baskets (orange to match my bathroom) at Familiar Dollar. I think I can get a pack of 6 for $3.

#8. Bobby Pin Carrier

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This simple idea is so useful for a girl like me. I use bobby pins ALL THE TIME and need them at the most random times. What better way to carry them than with a tic tac box?! I can use it for traveling and to just have in my purse. All I need to buy are the tic tacs. (:

#9: Easy To Make Bookmarks

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I’ve never been much of a reader, until lately. And I don’t have any cute bookmarks, but I do have a lot of cute missing or broken jewelry pieces, and tonsssss of scrap-booking paper and supplies as well as ribbon. So I figured I could put these items to use and make my own bookmarks like these cute ones!

#10. Easy To Make Hair Bows


I loveee hair accessories: hair bows, headbands, ribbons, clips, flowers, anything to accentuate your everyday hairstyles. So I want to try to make my own just for the heck of it! I found this cute easy tutorial that I want to try out.

#11. Mod Podge Ceiling Fan


I have an $80 zebra print fan blade set saved to my “future” Amazon wish list. But that just got deleted the other day when I came across this picture! Somebody used wallpaper border and applied it to their ceiling fan blades that made it look so good I had to do the same! But instead of using wallpaper border (because it’s pretty expensive) I’m going to use fabric mod podge and just apply zebra print fabric to it! I want to do this for my fan and the Natalia’s fan to match her and my zebra print bedrooms. ❤ *BTW the last of these projects including this one are all baby related projects.

#12. Glitter Rocks for Decoration


Yes, I have more glitter projects on the list. A girly girl like me can never have too much sparkle in her life. I think this is the cutest idea ever. Since I live in the country surrounded by woods and nature, these rocks are easy to find around here and match the environment so well, and adding sparkle will just give it that girly personalization that I love to add to everything of mine. But this project however is for my daughters bed room. I don’t have too many things decorating the tops of her dressers and night table, so this is an expensive decoration that I will make for her instead! I just need the rocks, the glue, the glitter and a cute little acrylic container to put them in, which I can get one at the Dollar Tree for just a dollar.

#13. Make a Plain Plastic Basket Cute with Ribbon


Natalia has some baskets in her room that I bought to hold stuff in and they looks similar to this basket but they’re actually cuter because I bought pink ones, hehehe. (; I also have very pretty sparkly silver, black and white ribbon I can use to decorate them with even more because Lord knows how much I love ribbon and how many ribbon bows I already have all over Natalia’s room. She’s going to be such a girly girl just like her momma. ❤

#14. 3D Butterfly Frame


I think this is just absolutely adorable. All white butterflies and one pink one with the baby’s name date and time of birth. I want to make this for Natalia and hang it on the wall. I need to buy a black frame and a butterfly punch. I have the card stock. This will be so fun to make!

#15. Decorated Letter

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I was going to buy letters to spell out NATALIA, but they are so expensive these days! You can buy cheap ones, but they’re just not as cute as the other ones. I have old letters that spell out KAREN because that’s my sisters name, but she never used them, so they’ve just been laying around collecting dust. I’m going to use just the N letter and decorate that to hang on the door since her room already has too many wall decorations. I have all these photos for ideas and inspiration. ❤

Well these are my project plans for the next few weeks. I’m very excited about making them and I still have more that I want to do! But these will do for now. I will start shopping for my supplies tomorrow, so keep looking for my next post; it will be all these projects but MINE. (:


Girly Toes: Rhinestones, Bows & Pearls!

2013-03-06_22-02-49_441Here are my pretty bow toes! They are so girly and I love it! (:

I painted all my toes with two coats of Ruby Kisses French White. Then with one coat of silver sparkle polish by Pure Ice. I then used my large dotting tool to make sideways hearts to form the bow ties with pink polish, and then used my smallest dotting tool to drag out the ribbons. Next time I will use a toothpick so they’re not so rounded! Finally I added a large rhinestone in the center of my bows, a large pearl on one side of the ties, and two smaller rhinestones on each side of the pearl, finishing them off with a clear coat.

Baby Project #3: Natalia’s Keepsake Box

This is my newest baby project: Natalia’s baby box. I decided to make her a box that would contain all her keepsakes as memoirs. I wanted to decorate it to match her nursery which is all zebra print with light pink and dark pink polka dots. This is the completion of it & I think it turned out 10x times better than I imagined in my head! Even though I sketched it before hand. ;D

This is the second box that I’ve decorated and I did a wayyyyy better and faster job on this one than my first. It only took me 3 days to complete, but only because I had to wait to go to the store to get the rest of the supplies I needed. When I made my first box, I googled “how to decorate a box” and was disappointed not to see too many instructions on how to do that. So I am going to make my own instructions on box decorating!

  1. Brainstorm! The first step is to think about what you want to have a box for of course. It could be to store things in, to give as a gift, or simply just for a decoration project when you’re bored!
  2. Decide what size box you need/want, and go get it! I knew I needed a big box because I was going to store an entire baby book along with other bulky items such as her homecoming outfit and things of the like. I got my box for free at a shoe store because buying a big box would just be too expensive, and they are usually already decorated. What’s the fun in that?!2013-02-28_11-50-52_524
  3. Sketch a drawing of what you imagine your box to look like. I always think before hand to save time. I sketched how I wanted the box to look like, what kind of fabric I would use, the colors, the accessories, and the font for the lettering.2013-02-25_18-53-24_43
  4. Shop for supplies! This is my favorite part (;
    Buy everything you will need to make your box. I went to Walmart and bought zebra and polka dot fabric ($8), 3 packs of assorted pink buttons ($6; $2 ea.), a pretty pink bow clip in the children’s section ($1), and then went to Save A Lot for fabric glue ($2) because it’s just cheaper there. The other supplies, I already had, which include a sharpie, a pink marker, and card stock to draw the name, loose black glitter, Elmer’s glue, fabric scissors, and zebra duct tape ($3.50).


    I don’t have all the supplies I used in this picture & I did not end up using that pink ribbon, but instead a cheap $1 hair bow. (:

  5. Measure and cut fabric to size of the box. I bought such a large piece of zebra fabric that I didn’t have to do too much cutting and it turned out looking so much better than if I would have had to cut it to fit around the corners because it wrapped around perfectly (conveniently for me). I started by gluing one side at a time and letting it dry before I went on to gluing the next side, this way when I pulled the fabric around the corner, I wouldn’t move the fabric I just glued out of place. Make sure you glue the very outside edges of the inside and the outside of the sides of the box. Otherwise, if you just glue the insides, you will have to come back around and glue the outside, but it will be hard to lift the fabric because it will already be glued around the box.2013-03-03_22-41-56_973
  6. To give the bottom of your box a neat finish, fold the fabric as if you were wrapping a preset box and glue the trim down and hold it in place until it’s somewhat dry (It will completely dry on its own, but this makes the fabric completely flat because the glue will seep through the fabric).2013-03-03_22-10-35_291
  7. You can use the same technique to fabric the lid, but the lid is easier because you can glue the edges of the top, place the fabric, let it dry, and then one by one glue each side down, folding the corners inwards to make it look neat.2013-03-03_22-41-29_272
  8. Cover the bottom of the inside of your lid and box. I used the pink polka dot fabric to cover the inside of the lid, and zebra duct tape to cover the inside of the box. I used tape because it was easier to make stick, it would hold the bottom fabric in place and it looks good! I used the pink on the lid because I wanted it to be different. 😀2013-03-03_23-52-34_582013-03-03_23-52-11_657
  9. Lastly, decorate it however you like! I cut a smaller sized square piece of the pink polka dot fabric and glued (just the edges) in the middle top of the box lid. I then drew Natalia’s name in cooky, child like font letters. I used the elmer’s glue to glue a trim on the outside of the card stock and sprinkled glitter all over it to give it a cute border. Then I glued the pink buttons on the border of the pink fabric, after I arranged them to make sure they would all fit. I glued the pink box in the corner and then her name in the middle. Finally finished! Although I still want to get some black sequin ribbon to glue on the inside of the lid to border the pink fabric under there, but for now it looks good, and the ribbon can wait until next time I go to the store.2013-03-03_23-49-39_132 2013-03-03_23-51-00_12


    The Finished Project! ♥

Blue Animal Print Nail Art

My newest nail art: Blue Animal Print. I had trouble choosing what color I wanted to use and which animal print, so I posted a Facebook status asking for opinions to help me out. Blue cheetah print was the first one suggested, so that’s what I went with. Besides, I’m trying to do something other than pink since my nails have been pink pretty much all month!

IMG_20130226_221251I’ll start with my toes, since I ALWAYS do them first. Here are my glittery cheetah print toes! I am absolutely IN LOVE with them! They are so girly and sparkly and they look so good with my pretty flip flops. I used Nicolé by O.P.I. Respect the World Blue, Ruby Kisses Silver Bling, Sally Hansen’s Bling-tastic, Wet n Wild’s Black Créme, and Sally Hansen’s Clear Base & Top Coat. First I painted my big toe, my middle toe and my pinky toe with 2 coats of the silver polish. The other two toes I painted with the blue by O.P.I so that the blue glitter would show up real good and bright blue. I painted my blue toes entirely with 2 coats of the blue glitter. I then used my medium sized dotting tool to apply some random blue dots all of the tips of my silver toe nails which will be the centers of the cheetah spots, leaving empty space at the bottom of my toenails to paint glitter on them. Once the dots dried, I used my nail art brush and the black polish to paint cheetah prints over the blue dots. Afterwards I painted an arch of blue polish on the bottom empty spaces of my silver toes and then applied 2 coats of the glitter to give them the same effect as my glitter toes. Last I applied an alteration of turquoise and silver rhinestones in the shape of an arch to outline the glitter arch of my toes finishing them off with a clear coat. They turned out so good!


For my nails, I used China Glaze Turned Up Turquoise (Neon), Ruby Kisses French White, Wet n Wild’s Black Créme, and my Kiss Pearl Black Nail Art Polish. I started by painting my thumb, middle finger, and pinky white, and my index and ring fingers turquoise. I applied two coats of each and let them dry real good for about 10 minutes. Then I used my Kiss Nail Art pearl black polish to paint zebra stripes on my entire index finger nail and about two-thirds of my ring finger nail, just to make them a little different. I did the zebra stripes first because they were the easier design and also the turquoise polish dried faster than the white one did. After that, I used my double sided dotting tool, one side being the largest and the other side being in between small and medium. I applied small and large dots on just my thumbs and pinky nails leaving my middle fingers completely white because those cheetah prints are going to be just black and white. I then used my a toothpick to draw perfect lines of cheetah print around the blue dots and then adding tinyer dots to give it a more dramatic effect. I did the same cheetah print effect on my middle fingers, they just didn’t have the turquoise centers. Last but not least I applied a clear coat being very careful to just streak over my nails ONE time. I learned the hard way that when you paint designs of white nail polish, if you streak the clear coat over it more than once it drags the other colors across your nails and messes them all up. So I had to do this very quickly and evenly. This is by far my favorite nail art design that I have ever done, and because I’ve been getting so much practice, they turned out nothing shy of PERFECT. I hope my verbal tutorial is easy enough for you to try yourself! I still haven’t fixed my webcam (thanks mom) but as soon as I do, a visual tutorial of my nail art will be available for all to use. (:

Pregnancy Post #18 – 37 Weeks


37 Weeks & 2 Days Pregnant Photo

*37 Weeks & 3 Days Pregnant Today!
*146 Pounds


Us @ Oaks Mall

Sorry about the slack on the blogging. I’ve just had a very eventful week and weekend, so I haven’t had too much time to squeeze in a blog. But I’m back! So here’s the update. (:

This past weekend, Jacob came to visit me in Lake City so he could spend time with me and the Natalia before she arrives. He was very eager to see how big my belly has gotten since the last time we’ve seen each other. Also he wanted to buy a few items for the baby to help me better prepare for her arrival. Over all I had a wonderful weekend with him. He took me out to eat at several places: Jason’s Deli, Starbucks, Hungry Howie’s, Krispy Kreme, Carraba’s, making sure he satisfied all my cravings.


Jason’s Deli Lunch

Carraba's Dinner

Carraba’s Dinner

He bought Natalia a few outfits, even though she really didn’t need them (lol), a very expensive baby book from Hallmark ($45), my diaper bag along with all the items on my online Amazon shopping cart, some baby hygiene products such as shampoo and body wash, and a couple of things for me as well, like adorable black, glittery flip flops and the cutest flower earrings ever! He was definitely very generous to me and very sweet to me on our very busy and romantic weekend before I have the baby. He made sure I got plenty of exercise as we walked around the big mall of Gainesville and the strip of Downtown as well as plenty of rest in the hotel where we stayed at.

Clothes for Natalia from Daddy

Clothes for Natalia from Daddy

We went on a very nice walk in the downtown area of Gainesville where it reminded me of Old Town St. Augustine. I expressed to him how much In Love I was with the city of Gainesville and told him that that’s where I want to go to college. The college campus there is HUGE and it’s in the center of the entire town across the street from the strip that was lined with all kinds of restaurants, café’s, bars, clubs, consignment shops, everything you can imagine.


My Cute Diaper Bag! (:

Although we spent a lovely weekend together, I still don’t feel like we need to be together. At least not right now. I need to get my life situated and established the way I want it before I can commit to a relationship, as does he. We both have things that we still need to work on, our lifestyles and ourselves, before we can actually “be” together. But regardless of our relationship status, we are both going to continue to be involved in Natalia’s life so that she can have both her parents. I feel that regardless of the parents’ relationship, they should both still have a relationship with the child.

My baby dropped! (:& Props to Prenatal Yoga for that Toned Booty! ;D

My baby dropped! (:
& Props to Prenatal Yoga for that Toned Booty! ;D

I have a very strong feeling that Natalia will be here sooner than the expected due date. I can feel so much more pressure on my pelvic area than ever before. Braxton Hicks contractions are definitely in full range and happening longer, stronger and more frequently. I can feel the baby so low in my stomach, people actually can tell the difference because I carried high my entire pregnancy; she has definitely dropped into position, which was confirmed in the appointment prior to the last. My belly is not so round anymore. It’s more “lumpy” and I can feel her body parts inside of me, which I think is the coolest thing ever. If Natalia was to be here before the 18th I would actually be very happy because then all this built up anticipation would be over with, I wouldn’t be pregnant anymore (Thank God!), and I would finally be able to hold my little girl in my arms. Daddy is very anxious to meet Natalia, probably even more than I am! The waiting period makes us so antsy.

My doctor’s appointment yesterday went pretty good for the most part. Other than waiting an entire hour and a half before I was actually seen, I had an overall good experience. The doctor told me that my blood pressure is absolutely perfect, my urine looks good, which lets me know that the Group B Strep Test that I took at the last appointment was negative. She also felt the baby in my belly and told me that she could feel all the body parts because I’m such a skinny pregnant girl and that the baby is measuring perfect size. I have been getting a lot of compliments lately from random strangers as well as friends about how pretty I am and how cute my belly is, how I have a “pregnancy glow” and it makes me feel so good, especially since I’m a little over two weeks away from having this baby! Prenatal yoga has definitely benefited my body in every way possible, keeping my body fit as it adjusts to the continuing added weight and alleviating the little back pain that I have.

$45 Baby Book from Hallmark

$45 Baby Book from Hallmark

The baby book that Jacob bought ironically fits perfectly in the shoe box that I picked to be Natalia’s baby box. It fits right in, like a glove on a hand. I drew a sketch of how I want to decorate the box and will spend my last two weeks of pregnancy making it. I already bought all the supplies needed to decorate the box. Now I just have to put it all together which I plan on starting this afternoon. This will be my next art project that I blog about.


Supergirl BackPack - Because That is How I will Feel after Giving Birth!

Supergirl BackPack – Because That is How I will Feel after Giving Birth!

I also have my hospital bag packed and ready to go for when I go into labor. I even have a last minute check list hanging right next to the front door so I won’t forget ANYTHING important. I probably over packed, but it is okay because I would rather have more than enough than not enough. And who knows?! This baby could end up being so big that I end up having to need a C-section. So I feel the need to have plans A, B, and C so I can be prepared for anything. I am very anal about preparedness and having back up plans. I like to be ready for anything that may or may not happen! I also plan to leave candy with the nurses who help deliver Natalia as a friendly thank you gift for their support and hard work. I know this gesture will be greatly appreciated.

For the next two and a half weeks, I’m going to spend my time waiting on the rest of the nursery items to come in so I can add the finishing touches to the nursery, I’m going to relax and spend my time crafting to keep my mind busy, and I’m going to be blogging almost every day to keep my emotions and anxiety under control. I have a few craft ideas that I’ve posted about that I want to work on while I wait for Natalia’s arrival. I’m so very excited to meet my baby girl. ❤

Me on my Date Weekend (:

Me on my Date Weekend (: