Pregnancy Post #16 – 35 Weeks


35 Weeks & 1 Day Pregnant
I was dressed up for my mom’s Birthday.

I have been working my pregnant butt off getting this nursery ready for Natalia since my last post! I had to take a break completely from my computer just so I could start getting things done at a timely pace; but it was a good, much needed break. I reorganized everything in her bedroom, clean and fully painted her entire dresser, plastered and sanded the walls, then taped the borders, painted that, and shampooed the carpet so it would be clean and fresh when baby girl gets here. I did so much work that I had to stop because my back was killing me! The most proud aspect about it is that all the hard work was done by me, 8 months pregnant, BY MYSELF. So I definitely have a lot to be proud of! Now all that there is left to do is reorganize the furniture once more, paint her night table to match the dresser, and put the crib and changing table together. That’s just the hard stuff though. I also have to wash all her clothes, towels and bedding, basically anything that will come in contact with her skin, put all that stuff away and organize her closet. I ordered some very cute zebra print handles and knobs to put on the dresser and night table a couple days ago, so I’m expecting those to come in the mail by next week. When I get those, I can put them on the dresser and night table and those items will be finished! I’m getting a little bit done every day and it should be fully completed within the next two weeks or even sooner if I keep up at this pace! I am very excited about how everything is turning out. The room looks absolutely GORGEOUS so far and I can’t wait for it to be done so I can take pictures of all my hard work.



Tattoo looks good! No stretch Marks (:

Still no doctor’s appointment since my last, but I go next week so I will have a medical update on my next post. (:

I’ve been getting some baby shopping supplies crossed off the baby needs list. I was even able to afford to get myself a matching outfit! I only shop for things on sale, with deals and coupons or just all around really good prices. You could call me cheap, but I like to think of myself as a smart shopper because I always try to make sure I get the most for my money, especially these days when that green stuff is so limited.

IMG_20130215_164122On Tuesday, I finally realized what this familiar pounding feeling was going on inside of me that occurred before but I couldn’t figure out what it was for the longest time. My daughter was having the hiccups and I even read that babies got hiccups inside the womb but never really payed attention to it. I didn’t even know what they felt like, if I could feel them at all. Well I definitely felt them Tuesday night while lying in bed. I just felt like this reoccurring beating sound in my belly that seemed to ‘loud’ to be a heartbeat; then I put two and two together. I had felt these before but did not know that Natalia was having hiccups. It was the cutest discover ever. I went to show my mom so she could feel them also and she laughed thinking it was the funniest thing ever. Mom also says that she can’t wait to hold this baby, she’s going to spoil her rotten, and in my head I’m like’Greattttttttt’, lol. No I’m just kidding. I know my mom is going to spoil her rotten and she is not the only one either. My little girl is going to be the happiest baby because she’s going to have nothing but love and affection around her all the time. I know I say it in every post, but it’s because it’s how I truly feel and I can’t help but to say it; I cannot wait to hold my daughter and have her here with me in my arms, holding her, cherishing her, caring for her, cuddling with her. This is going to be a very special and happy part of my life that I am totally ready for.


35 Weeks & 4 Days Pregnant ♥