15 More Nesting Projects To Do

Hello my beautiful readers! As I’ve mentioned in one of my previous posts, I just recently finished completing a list of 10-12 nesting projects that I was inspired to make from Pinterest, and I’m sure you guys are expecting my next list that I talked about making. Well, I’m done choosing which projects to do next while I wait for little Natalia to be here (which btw I’m 41 weeks and 1 day today and she’s still not here!) So to keep my head on straight, I’m going to occupy myself with these cute projects that I found to keep myself busy. (:

#1. Glitter Wine Glasses


After I have this baby, I’m definitely planning on celebrating my treating myself to a very long missed glass of wine, but I want it to be festive and decorative so I’m going to make a pink glitter wine glass for my 9 month break celebration. These are so easy to make, all I need to do is get some very fine loose pink glitter and a couple of cheap wine glasses from the dollar store.

#2. DIY Nail Polish Rack.

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If you follow my blog, then you are familiar with my addiction for nail polish and nail art. I have quite a large collection of nail polish and nail art supplies, but they’re all stored away in shoe boxes. I was going to decorate the shoe boxes but it just seems like to much trouble, especially since they’re not even visible, they’re sitting on shelves in my closet. I planned to buy a nail polish display rack that mounts on the wall from Amazon, but it’s $30! I came across this AMAZING idea where you make your own nail polish rack using foam boards, glue and whatever you want to decorate it with. I find so many pros to this project that completely knock this item off my Amazon wish list. For one, it’s totally affordable. Considering I have all the decorations I need, I only have to spend $12 making this ($7 for 3 foam boards – 1.99 each plus tax @ Walmart, and $4 plus tax for some permanent craft glue.) Aside from the inexpensiveness of this project, one of my other favorite things about it is that you can make it as big or small as you want, add as many shelves as you want, and decorate it to match whatever you want! Instead of using duct tape like many other people used, I’m going to mod podge glitter on mine and use duct tape for the inside background to hide that screws that I will have to insert to mount it on the wall. I also plan to add a larger top shelf to hold all my nail art supplies; which brings me to the next project shown, the decorative tin cans that will hold all my brushes. When I’m done with this project it’s going to look so cute in my room and help me to keep all my nail polish stuff organized. Not to mention the easy access of it being conveniently hung on my wall so I don’t have to take down boxes from shelves!

#3. Modular Shelf Organization.


This is another item that I have saved to my Amazon wish list. My obsession goes on to make-up which I have TONS of and am looking for new ways to organize it. I’m going to start by moving all my hair care products to modular shelves that I will hang next to my mirror on my dresser, moving them off my dresser so that I have more room to store the new makeup that I keep buying but don’t need.

#4. Glitter Keys


I LOVE glitter (if you can’t tell) and am trying to use all of mine in the most useful ways. I want to make my ugly keys cute and girly and what better way to do that then to add glitter?! So I’m going to mod podge glitter to all my undecorated plain silver keys to make them look as cute as this one. I want to do them all in pink, but different shades to give them a gradient effect.

#5. DIY Sunglasses Holder


I have soooooo many pairs of sunglasses put away in a bag that I have to go through every time I want to wear a different pair. It’s a little aggravating to have to dump the entire bag out just so I can see what the pairs look like. Not only that but they are also at risk of being damaged. So I came across this nifty idea that I want to make that also hangs on the wall. (I’m trying to decorate my plain walls!) All I need is a long skinny picture frame and some pretty ribbon (zebra of course!) to make this, so I plan on buying these items sometime this week when I get paid. (:

#6. Glitter Clothespin Magnets

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More glitter? Yes please! I found these ADORABLE clothespin magnets that you can decorate however you want. I like the way whoever did this decorated theirs. They used glitter and zebra print, which is what I plan to do, but I’m going to make mine turquoise, hot pink & lime green. I already have clothespins, magnets and zebra fabric and duct tape, whichever I decide to use. I just have to buy neon acrylic paint that I can get at Walmart for $1.50 a bottle and some new paintbrushes because I’ve been using the heck out of mine! So I’m due for a new set. (: These will go perfect on the DIY magnetic board that I also plan on making, but I will post about that later on.

#7. Shower Curtain Rod Organization


Since my shower caddy keeps falling off, and it’s hard to clean, and it’s pretty much breaking my shower head off, I found this useful idea to hang another shower curtain rod on the opposite side of the shower and use curtain hooks to hang dollar store baskets and other items. I’m definitely going to make use of this. I already have the shower curtain rod, but I can get the hooks for $1 at Dollar Tree and the cute baskets (orange to match my bathroom) at Familiar Dollar. I think I can get a pack of 6 for $3.

#8. Bobby Pin Carrier

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This simple idea is so useful for a girl like me. I use bobby pins ALL THE TIME and need them at the most random times. What better way to carry them than with a tic tac box?! I can use it for traveling and to just have in my purse. All I need to buy are the tic tacs. (:

#9: Easy To Make Bookmarks

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I’ve never been much of a reader, until lately. And I don’t have any cute bookmarks, but I do have a lot of cute missing or broken jewelry pieces, and tonsssss of scrap-booking paper and supplies as well as ribbon. So I figured I could put these items to use and make my own bookmarks like these cute ones!

#10. Easy To Make Hair Bows


I loveee hair accessories: hair bows, headbands, ribbons, clips, flowers, anything to accentuate your everyday hairstyles. So I want to try to make my own just for the heck of it! I found this cute easy tutorial that I want to try out.

#11. Mod Podge Ceiling Fan


I have an $80 zebra print fan blade set saved to my “future” Amazon wish list. But that just got deleted the other day when I came across this picture! Somebody used wallpaper border and applied it to their ceiling fan blades that made it look so good I had to do the same! But instead of using wallpaper border (because it’s pretty expensive) I’m going to use fabric mod podge and just apply zebra print fabric to it! I want to do this for my fan and the Natalia’s fan to match her and my zebra print bedrooms. ❤ *BTW the last of these projects including this one are all baby related projects.

#12. Glitter Rocks for Decoration


Yes, I have more glitter projects on the list. A girly girl like me can never have too much sparkle in her life. I think this is the cutest idea ever. Since I live in the country surrounded by woods and nature, these rocks are easy to find around here and match the environment so well, and adding sparkle will just give it that girly personalization that I love to add to everything of mine. But this project however is for my daughters bed room. I don’t have too many things decorating the tops of her dressers and night table, so this is an expensive decoration that I will make for her instead! I just need the rocks, the glue, the glitter and a cute little acrylic container to put them in, which I can get one at the Dollar Tree for just a dollar.

#13. Make a Plain Plastic Basket Cute with Ribbon


Natalia has some baskets in her room that I bought to hold stuff in and they looks similar to this basket but they’re actually cuter because I bought pink ones, hehehe. (; I also have very pretty sparkly silver, black and white ribbon I can use to decorate them with even more because Lord knows how much I love ribbon and how many ribbon bows I already have all over Natalia’s room. She’s going to be such a girly girl just like her momma. ❤

#14. 3D Butterfly Frame


I think this is just absolutely adorable. All white butterflies and one pink one with the baby’s name date and time of birth. I want to make this for Natalia and hang it on the wall. I need to buy a black frame and a butterfly punch. I have the card stock. This will be so fun to make!

#15. Decorated Letter

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I was going to buy letters to spell out NATALIA, but they are so expensive these days! You can buy cheap ones, but they’re just not as cute as the other ones. I have old letters that spell out KAREN because that’s my sisters name, but she never used them, so they’ve just been laying around collecting dust. I’m going to use just the N letter and decorate that to hang on the door since her room already has too many wall decorations. I have all these photos for ideas and inspiration. ❤

Well these are my project plans for the next few weeks. I’m very excited about making them and I still have more that I want to do! But these will do for now. I will start shopping for my supplies tomorrow, so keep looking for my next post; it will be all these projects but MINE. (:


Valentine’s Inspired Nail Art Set No.3

2013-02-19_11-28-44_64 2013-02-19_11-27-56_420I know, I know, Valentine’s Day is over, but it’s still February and love is still in the air! So I did one last Valentine’s Day inspired Nail Art design. As I’ve mentioned before I always start with my toes first so that I don’t mess up my nails trying to paint my toes, lol. I call these Princess toenails because they are just so sparkly and glamorous (and Pink!). I used a bright hot pink polish that I bought from Rue 21, plain black, and plain white. It can be any brand because they are all the same in my opinion. I also used my skinny nail art polishes from the Beauty Supply Store, black and silver. However I had to use a nail art brush to draw the white lines because I don’t have a white color nail art polish. After drawing my diagonal stripes I applied one row of rhinestones on each of my toes alternating which colors to cover up and which ones to leave showing. This is how they turned out! Cute, huh? I’m in love with them. And they look FABULOUS with my new flip flops that I just bought. (:



2013-02-19_19-52-40_39 2013-02-19_19-52-20_33As for my nails, I was going to do one of the cutest nail art designs I have ever seen, but unfortunately 2 of my nails broke, so I had to cut them, therefore I had to choose a different design; one that would look good for short nails. The design I originally wanted to do would only look good on long nails. So I will wait for them to grow back before I do it! This design is super cute though. It’s very girly: baby pink, black and hello kitty! This design was simple but it took a lot of concentration because I’m a perfectionist and I wanted the hearts to come out perfectly. First I painted all my nails a pale, baby pink color, except my ring fingers which I painted black. I then used my dotting tool to draw the eyes and nose for hello kitty’s face. I used a short haired nail art brush to draw the whiskers and then applied the infamous pink bow nail decal. For the other nails I did different sized hearts in different places on my nails with a toothpick so I could make them as small or as big as I wanted. I think they turned out amazing! I would have been more specific about the exact polishes and brushes I used as I usually do, but I am wore out and feeling lazy about it, so I will let YOU choose the colors. (;

Law Of Attraction – It Really Works!


It makes me so happy to know that this Law of Attraction thing really works, although I kind of already knew this a long time ago based on my personal experience with writing things down and then them just  showing up in my life. I’ve thrown a few things in my Creative Wish Box since I’ve made it, but haven’t really looked into it that much lately.

A Look Inside My Creation Box!

A Look Inside My Creation Box!

A couple days ago I decided to take a look in it to remember everything I had put in there. To my surprise I realized that a couple of things I put in my box had already manifested and I didn’t even know it! One of the things that manifested was my make-up organizer. I wanted to start with something small and realistic before I try throwing a picture of a house in my box. I couldn’t find a picture that look like what I wanted, so I just wrote it down on a sticky note with a detailed description and a drawing of what I wanted it to look like. It’s just a simple glass container that is a specific shape and height with decorations to hold my make-up brushes. 2013-02-09_20-25-10_533 2013-02-09_20-26-19_752This was manifested without me even realizing that this was in my creative wish box. Now I’m going to sketch a drawing of a reorganization of my entire top dresser and throw that in the box. We will see how long it takes for this to happen in my life! Another thing that manifested was the very first thing I put in my box, which was a sticky note that had $100 on it. That manifested in about a month since I put it in there! The last thing that came into my reality was the perfect sparkling black flip flops that I imagined. All of the things I’m putting into my box are happening in real life and I’m super excited about it! There are some other things in my creation box that I don’t necessarily need right now, such as my car that I want, and I think the Universe knows that I don’t need it right now, but it is creating means for me to get what I want when I need it in the future. So my car, as well as other things, is out their manifesting just waiting on the right time for me to give it the attention I need to attract it into my life.

Not only do I have a real ‘physical’ creative wish box, but I also have an online one. It’s an organized list of all the things I want to get for me and Natalia. I use Microsoft Excel to organize my lists so it can calculate the cost of everything for me on its own. Lately I have been crossing off items left and right that have been on my wish list since I read about the law of attraction. These things are coming into my reality very quickly and it makes me so happy because I am totally confident that I will have every single thing I need before Natalia gets here and more. Not only are things for Natalia getting crossed off, but things for me as well. I am totally convinced that this Universal Law is very real and it works when you let it. I am reading more about this kind of stuff in my Vortex book. This book is more about relationships, but it’s the same concept, using the LOA. Soon I will get so good at attracting things maybe I will attract a million dollar lottery ticket, lol! No, I’m just kidding, all-though that would be nice. ;P
