Pregnancy Post #20 – 39 Weeks


38 Weeks & 3 Days Pregnant Photo

*39 Weeks & 3 Days Pregnant Today!
*150 Pounds – 40 Gained Since Pre-Pregnancy.

IMG_20130308_153409This past week has been so eventful for me, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down anytime soon. Over the weekend I visited Jacob’s family while staying with him in Jacksonville for the weekend. We went shopping, where he bought me and adorable $40 purse and the best hair styling tool ever created: the curling wand. We bought outfits that we could wear for our maternity shoot that we had on Saturday with his uncle and my friend Ashley. We got the final proofs from Ashley but are still waiting on the ones from his uncle, so I’m going to post a few of the photos that we have so far!

IMG_20130312_202818Jacob’s birthday is coming up, ironically on Natalia’s due date! So today I did a little shopping (as usual, and by a little, I mean a lot) for some things that I’m going to use to make his card and put his gift together. I also browsed the mall to compare prices of a couple of things I want to give him; at a later date when I can afford it because he’s very picky and has expensive taste! I also picked up a couple items for myself and the baby, as well as groceries so I can make plenty of meals that will leave me with plenty of left overs so I don’t have to worry about cooking dinner every night for the next week or two while waiting on Natalia to get here.

indexToday I had a doctor’s appointment to see Natalia’s progress. Oddly, I’m still 1 cm. dilated, but the doctor says it doesn’t mean anything. First baby’s usually drop when labor begins. All baby’s after that drop first and then labor begins. So because this is my first baby, she’s still wayyyyy up there. I complained about an excruciating pain that I’ve been feeling for the past week in my ribs right under my left breast. It’s a heavy pressure that eases when I lay down and starts to bother me when I cough, or breathe too hard, or move around too much. At first I was concerned about it, so I looked it up on the internet to see what kind of information I could get. According to other pregnant women who experience/are experiencing the same discomfort, it has to do with the baby’s position and unfortunately is not going to go away until after birth. Yay me! -_-
Anyways, the doctor confirmed that that was exactly the problem and not to worry about it. She said because the baby hasn’t dropped yet, she’s still way up in my diaphragm which has a lot of nerves that the baby is pushing up against. Honestly, I feel like the pain has gotten better ever since I heard that reassuring information. I’m just glad that it’s nothing concerning, just uncomfortable, which was expected. I guess this makes up for me not having too much back pain or any swelling through my pregnancy. If you don’t get one side effect, you get the other!

Me Shopping Yesterday, As Usual! (:

Me Shopping Yesterday, As Usual! (:

My next appointment is next week and if the baby’s not here by then, she will be 2 days overdue. So We shall see what happens in the upcoming week. Regardless, this waiting game is keeping me excited and anxious. Meanwhile, I’m going to continue doing my every day activities, such as painting my nails, finishing my nesting crafts and adding the finishing touches to the nursery, which by the way I just ordered some new items for her bedroom this afternoon, so I’m really excited for them to get here!

When the baby is born, Jacob is going to take his paid vacation week to come stay with me at my mom’s house. I’m so happy that he’s going to do that because I’m going to need help recovering, caring for a newborn, and keeping up with the house. He’s going to bond with the baby, help make sure I get enough rest, and help me with the cooking and cleaning. I’m also looking forward to spending quality time with my new little family. I love the idea of having MY OWN family, versus being part of one?! I am completely in love and cannot wait to meet our baby girl ❤

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NOTE: I was 38 Weeks & 5 Days Pregnant during this photo shoot. (:

Pregnancy Post #17 – 36 Weeks


Me @ 36 Weeks ♥

*36 Weeks & 3 Days Pregnant Today!
*35 Pounds gained since pre-pregnancy.
*27 Days Until Natalia’s Due Date & Head is Already Down! (:


Before & After Laundry Pics
2 Whole Hours of Washing & Folding Baby Clothes!
They still need to be organized by size and put away. “/

To all my lovely readers, I cannot tell you guys how anxious I have been over the past week (really the whole pregnancy but a lot lately). I am pretty much done doing all the main necessities in the nursery, as I’ve talked about in my last post, however there are still a few touch ups that I still want to do. I even came up with new organizational ideas for the closet. With that said, this morning Natalia’s satin zebra print dresser runner came in the mail this morning! So I wiped down the dresser and neatly placed it on top. Now all I need to do is figure out exactly how I’m going to decorate it. Today I started washing all the baby clothes and did not realize that I have WAY more than I need! I don’t even think Natalia will be able to wear them all before she grows into the next size! This is wonderful because it means she has more than she needs, which makes her the definition of SPOILED, lol. I can honestly say that I am not too much looking forward to doing all this laundry. -_- But I’m glad that I will be able to dress her in a different cute outfit every day though. I’ll be taking lots and lots of pictures to add to the baby book and scrapbook.

14730_15124_logoAside from my generous friends that gave me clothes, and my mother and I buying clothes, I attend a Pregnancy Care Center every two weeks that also gave me a TON of clothes yesterday! I am so grateful that there is a pregnancy care center that I can go to that helps you out with everything you need. The people there are so very kind and thoughtful and I will recommend them to anybody and everybody. You go in to watch a video that has to do with pregnancy, prenatal or postnatal, take a short 5-10 question quiz on the video, and they give you “mommy money” which is paper money that you can spend on items from their resource room. This room is filled from wall to wall, floor to ceiling with alllll kinds of baby items imaginable, all donated. Most of the stuff is brand new and hasn’t even been opened. They have everything from bassinets, bouncers, cribs, swings, breast pumps, blankets, baby hygiene (i.e. shampoo, body wash, etc.) diapers, wipes, baby food, TONS of clothes, shoes, socks, hats, bottles, everything you can think of really. So I was able to spend my mommy money on several of these items yesterday and left with all kinds of useful things, for free! I am so thankful that I am going to donate anything I have to them because they deserve it more than anyone I know. I told my care taker, Ms. Bonnie that I am going to spread the word and let everybody I know about them because I think they are the greatest help center I’ve ever known.

index-1I also had a doctor’s appointment yesterday which my mom accompanied me in. We had an ultrasound so we could measure the baby and see where she is positioned. She is already head down, so she could be here any day from now until her due date. I have a feeling that she could be here earlier than her due date! I had to take a Group B Strep test (whatever that is) and should here the results at my next appointment, which from now on will be once every week until Natalia arrives. I weighed in at 145 pounds, which means I’ve gained a whopping 35 since pre-pregnancy. Hopefully I don’t pass the 40 mark! But this is good and it tells me that I have a big, healthy baby girl inside of me.

541163_325046907564304_7558618_nAdditionally, the baby’s father and I have started talking again for about a week now. We are surprisingly getting along really great (so far) and are going to spend this weekend together in Gainesville. He wants to see me and Natalia, take me out and take me shopping because he is also very excited that it’s this close to our daughter being here and he wants to go baby shopping with me. So we will see how this goes. (:

67952_409927185764809_131833834_nBraxton Hicks contractions are definitely happening more frequently and lasting anywhere from 1-3 minutes. Sometimes they can be quite uncomfortable to the point where I have to be real still and stop everything I’m doing. For instance, the other day while I was taking a shower, I was having a mild contraction that was so intense I actually had to sit down in the shower. But then it went away shortly after and I was fine. Now I know what I can expect during the real event. I have a feeling that I’m going to be able to take this like a champ and hopefully not need any pain medication because my goal is to do this whole thing completely natural. I am very optimistic about this pregnancy and going through labor and I think this will be a fast, uncomplicated birthing experience for me.

0003288417390_300X300Next week I plan to install the car seat and pack my hospital bag. The only reason I haven’t packed the hospital bag yet is because I still need to find out what the hospital will provide so I know what NOT to bring, and I don’t quite have everything I want to bring with me yet. I looked up what a typical outfit would be for the mommy to wear home from the hospital because I have a going home outfit for the baby already, but I have NO clue what I’m going to wear! After reading a few forums from other pregnant women, I have made the decision that what sounds the best for me to wear is a cute cheap sun dress. IMG_20130221_202150Some girls mentioned wearing gauchos or yoga pants, but since I will most likely be bleeding, I don’t think I feel comfortable wearing pants; so a dress is the way to go for me. I get more and more excited everyday about Natalia’s arrival and expressing my feelings definitely helps me out a lot with my anxiety. My next post will be about packing my hospital bag so I can give a detailed example to other girls who would have questions about it like I did.

Pregnancy Post #15 – 34 Weeks


34 Weeks & 1 Day Pregnant

34 Weeks 4 days pregnant today and counting! It is incredibly hard to believe that I am less than 6 weeks away from delivering the most beautiful little girl. I am so ecstatic and cannot wait until my little Natalia gets here. Wow, she’s got her momma so anxious to meet her! Every time, I feel her, think about her, talk about her, or see anything baby and girly, a huge smile forces itself across my face. She makes me so happy and she’s not even here yet. I didn’t know it was possible to love somebody so much. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love my mother with every inch of heart, but it’s just not the same kind of love that you have for your own child. Now I know how much my mom loves me. (:

Of course, one of my BIGGEST flaws kicked in: my procrastination. I was supposed to be done with painting Natalia’s dresser by now, but a couple of road bumps delayed me. First, I didn’t have everything I thought I needed. Then I realized I bought too much paint, so I had to return it and buy a smaller (more affordable) amount. Then I lost the brushes I bought, so by the time I found those I really didn’t even feel like painting anymore. But then, I finally was able to get everything I needed together: primer, paint, tape, trays, brushes, sandpaper, and shower curtain liners to catch the mess.


As you can see, the dresser is disgusting.

I’ve already taken the dresser apart, sanded it down, primed it, and painted one coat. Tomorrow I’m going to finish it with a second coat and then when it drys, prepare the room for the walls to be painted. Since I don’t have a man around to help, I’m all on my own, which is also why it’s taking me so long to do a less than 24 hour job. But hey? I’m pregnant! So it’s totally fine that I’m taking my sweet time to do this. I don’t feel guilty one little bit. I’m totally capable of moving the things that are in the room around without straining myself or lifting anything heavy. When I get ready to paint the walls I have to move everything to one side of the room, paint half of it, let it dry, and then move everything to the other side so I can paint the other half. This will probably take me an entire week to finish! I also plan on ordering some cute zebra handles and knobs that I saw on Amazon to replace the old ugly, rusted gold ones that I will hate to have to put those back on. Then I will finally start putting her crib and changing table together and organize the room to make it look like the perfect nursery for my princess.

2 outfits for 2 bucks @JCP! :D

2 outfits for 2 bucks @JCP! 😀

I’ve been doing quite a lot of shopping lately, but allllllll baby stuff, so it’s not guilty shopping, it’s productive shopping. That’s my positive way of looking at spending money. I got a bunch of bottles, cloth diapers, clothes, and some hygiene items; plus the paint for her room and dresser. I don’t know a whole lot, but I know one thing is for sure: Natalia will never lack anything. I will always make sure I make provisions to be able to provide for my daughter. She will always have everything she needs and be able to depend on me as a mother until she is old enough to care for herself. I am very fortunate to be able to provide for her on my own. But of course, I’m not completely on my own. Fortunately I have a mother who is very supportive of me and my pregnancy, and we help each other. She’s my best friend. My only hope is that my daughter and I will have the same kind of relationship with each other that my mother and I have. ❤


Primed Dresser.


Dresser drawers in the hallway out of MY way. (:

I don’t see my doctor again until next week. After that I will start having weekly appointments, so there will be a medical update on every post from then on. So far, everything looks, sounds and feels perfect. Well maybe not that last one. At my next appointment, I’m going to have the doctor recommend me a good pediatrician for Natalia. In the last week I was experiencing this somewhat painful pressure in my abdomen. It was right under my right breast in my rib cage it felt like, and sometimes when I would cough it hurt real bad, or when I would breathe in too deeply, I could feel a lot of pressure there. I was getting concerned about it because it wouldn’t let up and considered coming into the doctor’s office without an appointment because it was hurting so bad. But before I freaked out, I researched it online just to see if it might be something completely normal and sure enough: it is. Turns out that the pain I was experiencing had to do with the baby and the growing uterus putting pressure on my rib cage and other ligaments, thus causing this on and off pain. Actually, I read several different articles about this from girls who are pregnant at 18 weeks, 20 weeks, & 25 weeks. So then I thought, well, I’m already 34 weeks and JUST now starting to feel this pain? I must be one of the lucky ones! And after that the pain subsided. Then it went away, and I haven’t felt anything like it ever since. I’m so glad that I think before freaking out and actually take the time to figure out my own problems without running to every which person for an answer or solution.


A couple of Natalia’s things I bought this week ❤

If you’re considering buying maternity jeans, I recommend that you save your money unless you buy them used. To me, they were pretty much a waste of my money. I bought a pair of the cutest maternity jeans online at Amazon for $30. Sadly, I won’t be able to wear them past my 8th month. Shoot, I can barely squeeze into those things now! They are very stylish, but when I sit down, the seam connecting the jean part to the fabric part just cuts into my skin and is SOOOOOO uncomfortable. The funny thing is, I had a pair of skinny jeans that were so stretchy around the waist line that they fit perfectly as my maternity jeans! It’s weird that I had them because when I would wear them before I got pregnant, I constantly had to pull them back up on me because the waist was so stretchy that they just would not stay up. But I’m glad I kept them because they ended up serving me a great purpose during my entire pregnancy, and I still plan on wearing them afterwards! ;D

1/2 way

1/2 way

1st coat done!

1st coat done!

As for Natalia, she is growing more and more each day. I feel like there’s a little sumo wrestler inside of me because sometimes she kicks me so hard, I jerk and jump and make noises thinking “somebody’s beating me up in there!” I get a kick out of it. Her soft little kicks have now turned into some hardcore karate chops (it feels like) and I can’t wait for my next appointment when they do the last ultrasound because then I will get to see exactly which of her body parts keeps pushing me on my right side, lol! The most interesting thing about her is how clever she is already to be just in utero. She is very responsive to things outside of the womb. For instance, the other day, my mom’s boyfriend dropped a pan on the floor and the noise was so loud it scared the baby and made her kick me really hard. So she obviously doesn’t like loud noises, thank goodness for that!

As it gets closer and closer to my due date, the reality of transitioning from a young lady to a young mother is becomes more and more real to me, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Lord knows I’m ready to hold this precious baby girl in my arms already! I am going to try my best to remain patient because I don’t want to rush time since it has gone by so fast. I want to enjoy every moment of this pregnancy one day at a time. ❤

2013-02-08_13-04-44_534 Days Pregnant

^ 35 Weeks & 4 Days Pregnant Photos From This Afternoon. (:

Pregnancy Post #14 – 33 Weeks

  • 33 Weeks & 5 Days Pregnant Today.
  • 142 Pounds; Gained a Total of 31 Pounds since Pre-pregnancy.

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With everything that has been going on for me & Natalia since my last post, I am EXHAUSTED. I spent an  entire week preparing for the baby shower, had the baby shower over the weekend, celebrated my 20th Birthday, and for the past week have been shopping & preparing to finally start on the nursery. I still have a little over a month and a half until Natalia’s due date, but I want to get the room done as soon as possible before I get too big to do anything. I love the idea of playing mommy & daddy because it gives me a sense of independence and it reassures me that I can do everything I need to do to care for my baby, with or without the help of ANY man. And that makes me feel good. (:


I went shopping a few days ago to buy some pink paint and painting supplies so I could start working on Natalia’s dresser, along with some adorable, had-to-get baby items. The dresser I am painting is my old dresser and is in desperate need of a few touch ups. The top is ruined with chipped paint, nail polish, marker stains, etc. I used to be like the typical American teenage girl and draw “I love so and so…Laura & ____ Together Forever” all over my things; in permanent marker. So I need to cover all that up! I got some painter’s tape, and some brushes (I already had the other supplies I will need) to start my project. I spoke with the painting people at Lowes to figure out exactly what paint was best for the dresser I have and got a list of everything from supplies, to preparation, to the actual job itself. I’m so excited about this because I love painting! I plan to start this project this afternoon and hopefully (if I stay persistent) I will have it completely done by the time Monday rolls around. After the dresser is painted, my mom’s bf is going to rip out the carpet in the bedroom and put tile down. When that’s done I’m going to start putting the crib together, setting up the furniture and decorations, and organizing the closet and all the baby items. I don’t have to worry about installing the car seat until another 2 or 3 weeks, so I’m not going to worry about that for now.

birthplanI also had an OB appointment on Tuesday. It was a very fast 10 minute appointment for them to check my weight, heart rate, pulse, and protein levels. They also heard the baby’s heart beat on the Doppler to make sure she is healthy as well. I requested to have one last ultrasound done before the baby is born so I can actually see how big she is and where she is positioned. I thought that’s what they were going to do at this appointment, but I guess I misunderstood. I love my doctor because the nurses there are so very nice. They actually gave me really nice comments at this visit, saying how pleasant I was and how happy I seemed to be, and I confirmed to them that I was definitely extremely happy about everything that has to do with this pregnancy. My nurse and I discussed birthing options and a plan for my laboring and delivery. We both agree that I should do this as natural as I can, which was my ideal birth anyways. I want no medications unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. She informed me that as long as I’m not drinking any fluids, I don’t have to have IV’s running through me, which gives me the freedom to walk around, get in the shower, or whatever it is I feel the need to do at that time. She also informed me about anesthesia, which I told her I was going to try to do without it unless the pain is too unbearable. I know that I will experience pain throughout this experience, but as soon as I see that adorable little face for the first time, the pain will subside immediately. I even had a dream about giving birth and crying tears of the happiest feelings I have ever experienced. That’s how confident I am about this entire birthing process!

Cleaning-suppliesI’ve been on a cleaning spree since I am getting ready to do the nursery. I super cleaned my room, my bathroom, somewhat cleaned Natalia’s room to prepare it for everything, and even cleaned the rest of the house just because I could not sit down! Nesting has DEFINITELY kicked in, but I’m enjoying it because it’s making up for the yoga I’ve been slacking on (which I plan to do tonight before I go to sleep) so at least I’m still getting my exercise. I also want to get started on making a baby box for all Natalia’s keepsakes, including her baby book, as soon as possible. I want to decorate it to match her room so I can display it on a shelf as a decoration. Pinterest is steadily distracting me from actually doing my projects and thinking up new ones. So I think I need to calm down with that a little bit. ;D

lower-incidence-prostate-cancer-coffee-drinkers_235As far as my pregnancy physically and emotionally, I’m continuing to feel good every day. I have no additional stretch marks, which I’m extremely happy about! I actually got a mirror to look under my belly just to make sure, because I can’t see anything below my belly button, lol! I do have this very noticeably dark line running down the center of my belly, which I’ve read about and it’s completely normal. My belly button bulges out and you can see it through some of my shirts. I think it’s the funniest thing ever! I get a kick out of looking at it and playing with it because I’ve never been able to see the inside of my belly button before. It’s getting more and more uncomfortable to bend over. I can hear myself grunting and making funny noises when I struggle to get near the floor or my feet, let alone turning in bed at night. I came home from running errands all day last night and realized I left the coffee pot on by accident, so I decided to make a small cup of coffee to give me a little energy to make something to eat. I will NEVER do that ever again while I’m pregnant. Natalia did not like having coffee so late and started kicking me like crazy, kicks that actually hurt me; and her kicks never hurt me! I had to dance around the kitchen just to distract myself from the pain. It didn’t last very long, thank goodness, but It was definitely something I never experienced before. There is no doubt in my mind that this baby hasn’t turned already (I get the confirmation at the next appointment because it’s an ultrasound!). I can make out what position she’s in based on where she kicks or punches me, lol. She seems to be running out of room because I can feel her in every part of my stomach; it’s kind of weird. But I feel so big already and I still have a month to go. I am SO READY for Natalia to be here already!!! But those are really all of my thoughts for this post, so ta-ta for now! –xoxo<3   :*

Single Mom-To-Be & Loving It. (:

singleparentI’ve decided to share my thoughts about how I feel being a single mom-to-be. I guess I will save the best for last and start with the bad. The truth is, there is no bad side of this, for me anyways. The only thing that I think is sad about my situation is that unfortunately, my daughter will grow up without a father. Although most people would probably call me selfish not to have the father in the baby’s life, I beg to differ. I actually think it is very unselfish of me. As a matter of fact, it would be selfish of me to stay with the father, just so my daughter could say she grew up with both of her parents. Having both of the parents in the household is the best for any child, of course who would argue with that? However, if the parents are unhappy, hardly get along and argue about everything, what good can that be for the child? Would it be fair for the child to grow up around unhappy parents who fight all the time? I don’t think so.


In my case, I have MORE than enough reasons not to be with the father and to raise my daughter by myself. A violent and drug-affiliated criminal background, a financially irresponsible person that has countless debts and an impulsive person who does not think before they speak or act around a child, let alone their own, that they already have with another woman, is not the ideal fatherly role model that I want to have around my daughter, that’s for sure. Now those are a few of the many without a doubt, true to the fact FACTS about _____ , as far as my opinion about him goes? I will leave those comments to myself as I do not want to bash my baby’s daddy on the public internet.

I can honestly and 100% truthfully say that I am enjoying (so far) playing the role of mommy and daddy. It gives me a strong sense of independence and the feeling that I can do anything and everything. I can spend all the time in the world doing whatever it is that I want without worrying about the approval or the acceptance of anybody else. Now that I don’t have a man around to distract me, I can finally get to know myself better and figure all things out in my life without the input or influence of anybody else. I can spend ALL my time on me and my daughter. I am the ultimate chooser of what her name will be, how/where she will attend school, how she will be brought up, her morals, etc. I love the idea of not having to share any of those responsibilities. Now of course, if the father wants to be a part of the child’s life, or vice versa, I will not/never prevent that. I think it would be wonderful for my daughter to have a “healthy” relationship with her father, know who he is and spend time with him. But from the looks of it, based on the no help received or interest about what goes on with the child, it doesn’t seem like I will have to worry about that part for now, until she grows older and starts to ask about her daddy. At that point, I will have more knowledge, circumstances will be different (hopefully so will he) and will be able to handle that situation accordingly. I do not plan on going after him for child support unless I’m completely poor and have zero money. If you knew him, you would know why! I don’t have any worries about not being capable of taking care of my daughter. I know in my heart that I will have everything I need to support my baby without daddy’s help. He has not helped since we found out I was pregnant anyways. Besides, he is such a difficult person to deal with, that it would give me headache, heartache, and stress to even have to communicate with him, especially if it deals with money. So it’s actually in my best emotional interest to just stay away completely! I will always have the option of making his life more difficult by coming after him for money, but I’m just not that type of person. I will not need to make his life difficult anymore than it already is because he does that on his own.

1351030360504_6986131Now this is just my own personal story about why I am a single parent-to-be. As far as anybody else, my best advice to them would be to do whatever it is that makes them happy, NO MATTER WHAT THE DECISION IS. If it makes you happy being with the father, then be with him. If it would make you happy to be without the father, then be without him. If you are not sure, you just know that in your present situation, you are not happy, change the situation to make yourself happy. When you are happy, your baby is happy, point blank. When you are unhappy, your child will be unhappy. But of course right? Your baby looks up to you and learns everything from you. You are setting the example for them. What good are you doing for them if you are not doing good for yourself?! That’s what I have finally learned and come to realize when people say “love yourself first,”, “always make sure you love yourself or you cannot love others,” “make your well-being your number one priority”. Now I know what all these wise quotes mean; and I’m so happy about it! I have complete confidence that I will have a wonderful rest of my pregnancy (as I have been since I left _____ ), that I will have an easy, fast labor with no complications, and that I will bring into the world the most beautiful and happy baby girl, and she will always be that.

Mother silhouette with babyEven when I was having (the few) joyous “happy” moments with my baby’s father, I still have never been as happy with him as I am now without him. And I would have never known about how happy I could make myself if I had made the stupid decision to stay with somebody that I know (and have known) would NEVER work out. I take full responsibility for my decisions. I knew at the beginning that this relationship was not such a good idea (I had just gotten out of one, me and baby daddy already had a past, and he pressured me into it-first red flag!), I knew when we decided we were going to get married that that was not such a bright idea (Thank God for not letting that happen although we tried, twice), and I knew, as time passed since we tried to get married, that things were still not working and could assume that it never would, based on our arguments and the way we fought, but I was naïve to my heart, and I decided to stay with the m*f-er anyways, which then resulted in having a baby with him. So it is completely my fault for allowing all of this to happen to me because I made all of the decisions that contributed to the result.

I would not change a thing about what I have done, because this little life inside of me has given me the inspiration I needed to better myself, my life, and my decision making skills. I seriously have never in my life felt so positive and completely good about myself, and everything in my life follows. The feeling is AMAZING. I am so proud of myself! I finished school in 2 months and graduated with a 3.6 GPA (which I could have never done staying with _____ because he would never give me time to myself, especially when he was around). I’m preparing for college 3 months after Natalia is born (which would have never happened if I stayed with him-it probably would have started out that way, but it would then change to him complaining of working all the time and not me, which was happening already). I also developed wonderful financial organizing skills to make sure I have the means to accommodate Natalia before, when and after she gets here (which also would have never happened being with an irresponsible, no money-management having ass that shared all the money and money-decisions!) As you can see, I’ve learned (the hard way) that if things are like this now, they’re going to be like this then, and not only that but it will only get worse. Now this of course is not the same for everybody, it really depends on the person and their willingness to change. But my baby daddy is 6 years older than me and set in his ways, not to mention he is very closed-minded, so there is no changing anything about that.

imagesAnother thing that I have learned is that when you have the right attitude and are in the right positive state of mind, there is no need to worry, because the universe takes care of everything for you. Now this statement can be contradicting. How can the bills get paid if you’re not working? What I’m trying to say is, when you are doing everything that you are supposed to do and you are positive about it, things work out in your favor. They actually turn out better than you expected. And you also get things when you least expect it. I’ve noticed that most people (that I know of) are afraid of the unknown, thus living in this “fear” holds them back from doing whatever it is that they want to do. How am I going to make money? How am I going to put food on the table? What table?! How am I going to get a place for me and my children to live? And all the like. Don’t let fear control you! If you don’t know how things will turn out, then why assume things wouldn’t?! How do you know that things could actually turn out a heck of a lot better than the way things are right now? You have to just take a chance and trust that everything will be alright, and they will. I don’t care what your situation is or what the circumstances are, you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. And if you have a child/children, they should be even more of a reason for you to do what’s right for you and your child/children. I have so many young friends who are mothers that willfully choose to be unhappy with their baby daddy’s and husbands, and I think it’s so sad. Why do that to yourself? You have no idea how it’s affecting your kids. They can still have the father in their lives if that’s what you’re worried about. You can still make it on your own as long as you want to. Don’t be so hopeless! Don’t give up on yourselves just because you made some mistakes. Make things right, if not for yourself, do it for your children. There are so many options out there, so much financial aid you can apply for, so many help centers that you can turn to that will help you to get on your feet. All it takes is for you to decide what you want, and then do what you need to do to make that happen, and the universe WILL help you, that’s just how it works.

l_101068735Anyways, I would have loved more than anything to have a baby with a father who would be to her what my father was to me (not necessarily, but you get the point). Unfortunately Fortunately, that will not be the case for Natalia. In the end, she will be much better off with her happy single mommy than she would be with her unhappy mommy and unhappy daddy together. And who knows?! Maybe some guy will come into the picture that will be everything to her that her daddy wasn’t/could never be. ;D

Now I DEFINITELY don’t want to have to worry about a relationship or men for a looooooong time after everything I’ve been through. I want to focus on figuring myself out, get into college, get a government job with benefits and job security so I can provide for my daughter in every way, and spend the rest of my time caring for her, spending time with her and watching her grow into the beautiful lady that she will become. I am so extremely happy about all of this. I’m patiently waiting for her arrival and feel myself getting more and more anxious to meet her every single day. ❤

Pregnancy Post #10 – 29 Weeks


28 Weeks Pregnant
– Body Shot –

Today I am officially 29 weeks and 2 days pregnant, and I’m in the last lap of this race! The third trimester is definitely bringing me some of the best and some not-the-best feelings. I have gained a total of 27 pounds so far and am continuing to grow to support my developing baby. My feelings and emotions are definitely all over the place; I feel like my mind never sleeps. Nothing bad or anything, just a bunch of anxiety and anticipation about a few things, like labor being right around the corner, planning the baby shower, packing the hospital bag, putting the nursery together – on top of – applying for grants, loans and other assistance, keeping the house in a comfortable order, and completing all my other daily activities. I feel like everything is creeping up on me all at the same time! But not to worry, I am expressing all these roller-coaster emotions by blogging, reading positive, uplifting things, and doing my prenatal yoga almost every day. These activities help to keep my mind off of the things that need to be done and instead exchanges those feelings for thoughts of comfort – like knowing that things will get done when they need to be. As a result, I have become a master at controlling my anxiety.

I really want to talk about one of the biggest highlights of my pregnancy so far since my last post:
This morning, while I was reading aloud, I saw the baby moving in my belly. I read out loud to Natalia because I found out that babies learn in utero before they’re even born. Also because my pregnancy tracker app suggests that I read, sing or talk to my baby a few minutes a day. Anyways, I put my hand on this lump, because one side of my belly is bigger than the other, and when I pressed down, it must have startled her because she started moving like crazy! My belly started rumbling and shaking, almost vibrating, there was so much going on in there! It literally made me laugh out loud. So I took a break from reading and started to play back with her. I would push her and she would move, and then she’d kick me just to see if I would push her back, and I would. It was such an unfamiliar wonderful moment that filled my entire body with love and happiness. It truly is the best feeling in the world to have this kind of bonding interaction with my unborn baby. She makes me the happiest mom in the world!


Photo from Google Images

Natalia is EXTREMELY active; I feel her moving all throughout the day, every single day. I feel like I know everything about her, from her minutes of play time to her cycles of sleep, to her telling me she’s hungry or when she just wants me to talk to her. She wakes me up in the morning before I do, and she keeps me up when I’m ready to sleep. She has periods of outrageous movement, causing me to twitch, jump, and jerk most of the time. It really takes my breath away. In the past few weeks I have been feeling so much intense fetal movement that it’s as if she’s turning inside of me, and I can feel everything. It’s absolutely amazing to know that I can actually feel her turning and where her body parts are located inside of me. The fact that the last ultrasound Dr. told us exactly where the baby is located helps also.

pregnant cartoon3

Photo from Google Images

My BIGGEST relief: getting closer to not being pregnant anymore. I’m really starting to miss sleeping on my stomach and being able to bend over without straining for breath or space. The morning sickness and non-stop trips to the bathroom are two additional things I’m looking forward to NOT having to do. I’m even more excited about getting closer and closer to meeting Natalia and holding her for the first time! I can tell it’s going to be very emotional for me and I’ll probably cry; but they will be tears of joy and happiness. My eagerness to becoming a mother has brought out some of my “newly discovered” natural motherly instincts already. I see myself noticing children everywhere, the way they act, talk and respond to their environment, the way their parents treat them, feeling sorry about crying children and babies. What a change! I never used to notice these things. It’s funny how experiences like this can change everything about you (well, not everything).

Yesterday morning I attended my Pregnancy Care Class that I go to every two weeks. I watched a video about the kinds of things to expect during the third trimester including labor and delivery. It was a very informational video that I learned a lot from, and it was accompanied by a set of questions about the DVD and then another set of questions about my personal third trimester experience. Every time I attend a class and complete a questionnaire, I receive “mommy money” which entitles me to their resource room where I can use  the “mommy money” to buy diapers, formula, baby clothes, toys, etc. It is such a helpful place that I am fortunate enough to have discovered and is conveniently located 15-20 minutes away from my house. I am very appreciative of this class that is available to me for free. It’s not even as crowded as I would expect it to be! I guess it’s because I live in a small town area with few people, which I think is one of the greatest benefits of living in the country.

Next week I’m going to start planning the next baby project: my baby shower. The invitations, the location, the decorations, everything! I’m very excited about this part. Luckily I have a few girlfriends who are going to help me out, so it won’t be so stressful for me. I also have to update my baby registry so that I make sure that everything I will need is going to be on there for people to see. I’m very happy with my pregnancy, the way things have been going for me and baby, and the exciting new things that are to come.


29 Weeks Pregnant – Lazy Pic (:

Halfway There!

FINALLY, I have finally finished half of the classes that I need to graduate! I feel so accomplished and motivated to continue my hard work so I can finish getting this diploma before Christmas (my personal due date). According to my transcript, I just need a half credit of English 3, a half credit of Liberal Arts Math, a half credit of Algebra 2, and a whole credit of Art Appreciation or any other elective. I chose Art appreciation because it sounds easy, I love art, and I’m not trying to make this difficult, I’m just trying to hurry up and graduate. I created a timeline document in Microsoft Excel to help me determine when I could expect to finish based on how many assignments I needed to do and how often I did them. I concluded that if I stay consistent with completing at least 10 assignments each week, I will be finished before Christmas! The feeling I have about getting my diploma is indescribable, especially because of everything that I’ve encountered in my young life and the situation as to why I did not graduate on time, which is very personal and prefer not to publicize. This has to be one of my greatest accomplishments so far in my life, and will continue to have accomplishments likewise to be proud of because I have BIG plans for my future.

Next after my diploma: Get a Federal Student Loan so I can attend college. I’m debating whether I want to do cosmetology right away, which I absolutely love and would have so much fun doing (and it would not take me more than a year to finish), or going ahead and getting a start on my graphic design degree. I have plenty of time between now and then to contemplate what I really want to do and what would be in my and my daughter’s best interest to do at that time. But again, I’m just brainstorming my options. I will get more detailed about it when I finish getting my diploma. I don’t want to overwhelm myself, and I need to focus on one task at a time because it is very easy for me to get side-tracked.

On another note, I was able to revive my garlic plants that (I thought) got demolished under the rocks that were thrown on them a few days ago. I moved the rocks out of the way and was able to find two that were buried; while one was successfully growing through the rocks and one was not growing at all. I talked to the plants that seemed a little withered because I know that plants are living cells that respond to us humans. So I talked to them to nurse them back to health and gave them water, so hopefully they will come back to life.

I’m really enjoying writing about my ideas, goals, and daily activities on a regular basis! This blogging has given me a new hobby and has helped me improve my writing skills as well as my vocabulary, which is helpful to me in many ways. I can apply this to my school, my work, and even in everyday life communicating with other people. I need to develop new writing skills anyways because ever since I have been out of school, I have not been doing so much reading and writing, which is a shame because I think it is very important to read and write, even outside of school. I can’t wait to bring my daughter into the world so I can teach her how to do all the amazing things that I know how to do that will help her in her future.

The next upcoming Holiday of the season is probably everybody’s favorite, Thanksgiving. I don’t really have any plans set in stone other than the traditional Turkey lunch and dinner. However, I might just do something a little different this year. I’m thinking about starting some kind of artsy project because I absolutely LOVE anything that has to do with art, drawing, writing, etc. I’m thinking of either starting a scrapbook for all the millions of pictures I have with no where to put them and the millions more to come, or making hair accessories for me and my little one; and maybe even other girls so I can make a little bit of money on the side. I’m not exactly sure yet, but I’m very excited about starting a project that will keep me occupied on days like this when I have nothing better to do.

I hope everybody has an amazing week and I will conclude this post with an inspirational quote. (:

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. -Lao Tzu